Jynx's Story...
I purchased Jynx on impulse in June of 2001 knowing absolutely nothing about the care and maintenance of the Common Green Iguana.  After purchasing a few books and immediately making an appointment with a qualified reptile verterinarian did I realize what was really in-store for me over (hopefully) the next 20 years. 

Upon taking him to see the vet, Dr. Jennifer Johnson and Dr. Kimberly Bowers did I learn that he had the first stage of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), which is the softening of the bones, due to not enough calcium in his little body.  I was instructed to feed him baby food twice a day as well as give him a oral calcium supplement that he soon looked forward to.  I did this for about 6 months, then started to ween him off of it.  He is know strong, alert and bright eyed thanks to the wonderful instructions by my veterinarian.

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