It is so hard to find a really good friend. One that will be there to share everything with you, the good and the bad. And one that you have so much in common with that you could have been sisters. Sure you pass through life thinking "I have wonderful friends", and you probably do have them. But to find that special one that blends in so well and that will stick with you through the duration. Even if your not into the same things anymore.
Even if your paths of life go in different directions, you still keep an active friendship going, even if you  have to jump the curb and meet in the median of our highways of life. It is a rare friendship to find.
Jesus has blessed me with this rare kind of friendship. A friend that I hold dear to my heart. One that I have never even met in person. With the exception of my husband, she is my best friend. And I dedicate this page to her. To keep her  privacy, we will call her"Angel".
She knows who she is. ::smiling::
To you ANGEL, with much love.
Click the heart to visit her site
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