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General Information

Games: Games will be played in Baton Rouge on Sundays at either 11 AM, 1 PM, or 3 PM.  For the schedule of games, go to  Our Schedule  Be sure to get to the games at least 30 minutes early so we can warm up.  We will meet in the East Laville lobby at least one hour before every game to give rides to those who have no transportation.  It is not necessary that everyone meets here, just maybe one or two guys with cars for each game.  If you don't get to the field at least 30 minutes early, you may not play as much since I will make the line-up there.  If you know you will be late, let me know beforehand.  I realize that many of you will not be able to make all the games.  That's okay, but please let me know in advance so the team can make the proper adjustments.

Practices: We will practice every Wednesday at 4:30 PM on the Special Olympic Fields by the LSU Vet School on Skip Bertman Drive.  You will get more playing time if you go to practice.  If you want to play at another time, call some other guys up (their numbers are on the Roster page or see the roster I hand out) or talk to them at practice on Wednesday.

Uniforms: We will wear either red or white jerseys.  Be sure to bring both colors to all games.  We will wear navy shorts and white socks.  Be sure to have proper equipment at all games.  If you have any soccer balls, please bring them to practice and games.

Drinks: I will buy a cooler and cups so we can have water at every game.  Don't litter the cups -- throw them away in the garbage.  If enough people are willing, we could have oranges at every game by designating a different player to bring sliced oranges to each game.

Transportation to games: If you do not have transportation to games, please let me know so we can set up a carpool system.  There should be no shortage of room.  For directions, go to the Maps Page

Game strategy: PASS.  We want to control the tempo of the game.  Unnecessary dribbling is discouraged.  Passing makes it easier on all of us, harder on the other team, and is how soccer is supposed to be played.

Conduct on the field: I hope each of you will play with good sportsmanship.  Please try not to curse or trash talk.  No fighting at all.  Play hard, but don't try to hurt anyone.  Respect the officials by not arguing with them.  After the games, shake the other team's hands.

Playing time: I'll try to be as fair as possible with playing time, but there will likely be some who disagree with my decisions.  If you show up to the game 30 minutes before it begins, you are guaranteed at least 20 minutes on the field.  Since we are short on a goalie, if you play GK, it does not count against you as time played on the field.

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