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January 7, 2001
Well, it's been almost 5 � years since my Fundoplication surgery. It's been just about 1 � years since the surgery to repair my stomach that herniated through my diaphragm. It's been just 1 � years since my incisional hernia surgery. How do I feel? Every day is filled with decisions about how something I eat or do will affect me. I still don't seem to have any reflux related problems or any heartburn either. With the exception of the gas (bloating) related problems, most of my current problems seem related to the last 2 hernia surgeries and not the Fundoplication itself. I believe these 2 hernia operations were the cause of a communication problem (there wasn't enough of it).

I have substituted reflux medications with anti-gas medication. I wake up feeling fine, usually.
On a bad day, I'll eat breakfast and the process begins. The stomach begins to expand. By the end of the day, my stomach is hard and I look pregnant. It actually looks like something is growing inside me. More like I swallowed a basketball. I develop discomfort from what I think is the internal pressures pushing in every direction. The discomfort is isolated to certain areas but the entire abdominal area is sensitive. The extreme left side and the areas just above the last ribs on both the left and right side are the worst.

I do have good days (more and more all the time) where nothing bothers me at all. Eating and what I eat, I believe, is still the key.

Since the hernia surgeries, I still have not been given the okay to begin working out. Walking is all I'm allowed to do so far. I'm told the hernia restrictions can last for 2 years. I have been shoveling some snow lately. My wife yells at me but there are some things I just have to do. However, I do limit myself as to the amount I pick up. I don't know if anything was done incorrectly to me, during any of the surgeries, and I probably never will know. My wife thinks there was.

Summary: Aside from the hernia issues, the Fundoplication has been a success. Yes, I have this bloat problem (controlled by what I eat), and I still can't burp. Luckily, I have successfully fought off every vomit issue. Things are not perfect but it certainly wasn't perfect before the surgery. My quality of life is much better as long as I watch what I do and eat. I would do it all over again.

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