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Carla's Story

My son Michael was born at 27 weeks gestation along with his twin brother, Isaiah. The boys were due on Dec. 23, 1999 but they were born Sept. 28, 1999. Both boys have had numerous medical "issues". They were released from the hospital for the first time on December 4, 1999. The boys were only home three days when Michael was readmitted for respiratory problems. He stayed overnight and was released the next evening. On Sunday, Dec. 12, Michael vomitted after every feeding. My husband and I decided to take him to the pediatrician the next morning. They did an upper GI looking for reflux. The test came back negative for reflux but they found another problem. Michael had a malrotation of his small intestine. This diagnosis meant he was going to have surgery no matter what. This could have been the reason for the vomitting but they couldn't be sure so the doctors advised us to do a pH study to find out if he had reflux. If he tested positive for reflux then the doctors said it would be ideal to perform the fundo while Michael was already having his stomach opened. We did the study on Wed and Thur (it's a 24 hour test).

I really didn't think that Michael had reflux because he never had any symptoms other than the one day of vomitting. To my astonishment Michael had reflux. His score was 520+. The surgeon recommended us having the fundo done but we would have to make our decision within 12 hours because he was having the malrotation surgery the next morning. We didn't know what to do. We hadn't expected this. We told the surgeon we had no time to do any real research and to explain what we could expect. He told us Michael might have some gagging episodes that could last from one week to many months, he might take a few days to a couple of weeks to eat like he had been eating prior to surgery and that he could still possibly have reflux although it would be rare. My husband and I decided to do the surgery to spare him another possible surgery at a later date.

Michael went to surgery Friday, Dec. 17. He had a partial wrap. The surgery went "well". Michael had to stay in the hospital until he had a bowl movement and could eat some from his bottle. He got to go home on Wed., Dec. 22. (One day before his due date and just in time to spend Christmas at home.)

Michael rapidly quick taking his bottle and he also developed severe abdominal pain. He would scream in agony when he would eat. He had tremendous gas build up which the doctors called "normal". We took Michael to the pediatrician because he completely stopped eating by Jan. 3, 2000. She put him on a feeding tube and said, "He should only be on the feeding tube for a week, two at the most." Now it is April 20, 2000 and he still is not eating. We have put Michael through so many studies to find out why he is not eating and to find the source or cause of the pain. The doctors can't find ANYTHING!

He has had three upper GIs, 1 Lower GI, a gastric emptying study, and an ultrasound. The doctor put him on Prilosec which didn't help at first but when they upped his dose he started feeling some relief. However, he still won't eat. We have requested him to get a scope done but the GI doctor doesn't want to put him under anethesia. (He is on a 1/4 L of oxygen.) We have talked to the surgeon about reversing Michael's fundo but he says he has never heard of a fundo causing someone not to eat. I have researched everywhere and I have not found any either. If anyone has a personal testimony relating to my son's situation please email me!!! I am desperate to get Michael back to the way he was before the surgery. Or if you have any suggestions as to what we can do or any other tests that may show something please write.

Thank you so much for writing back. I would appreciate it if you could post my message and give my email address for people to respond to. We took Michael to the doctor today (4/21/00) and he only gained 3 ounces in three weeks. This is really unusual since he gets all feedings through a feeding pump. My husband and I are wondering if something strange is going on. We would appreciate anyone's insight into our situation.

Feel free to e-mail me if you think you can help.

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