This is just one of the stories here. To read more, click on the Fundoplication Index Page link, at the end of this page.

At work, I had just finished eating lunch and returned to my work area. I normally sit on a high padded stool, with padded backrest. The stool has a step to rest your feet on and if used will slightly elevate the knees. This elevation is enough to slightly compress the abdominal area. This situation, in itself, is not all that bad. In fact, this entire episode is very strange. Remember, I just finished eating which also puts additional pressure in the abdominal area.

I was also just getting over a cold and had some loose chest congestion. The looseness was obvious to anyone that heard me cough. It was during a cough, while sitting with knees elevated (by the stool foot rest) and stomach full from lunch, that it happened. Immediately after the cough I felt the pain of returned acid-reflux. A sensation I had not felt since the surgery. The burning pain, in the center of my chest, exactly where the Fundoplication was accomplished just about 3 years ago.

This burning pain was relentless for 2 days. I called my primary doctor (same doctor that has been with me before, during, and after surgery). He examined me and found no muscular or rib problem. The pain would not get worse with a cough. That suggested that it was not muscle or ribs causing the pain. He believed, as I did, that something had occurred in the area involving the Fundoplication. I thought I popped a stitch or completely unwrapped the wrap. Next stop-x-ray of the chest.

The x-ray revealed no diaphragm or other problems. On to the surgeon.

At the surgeons (same surgeon that did the surgery 3 years ago) I told him my story. I also told him that the pain was not as bad today as it was several days ago. I also told him that eating did not alter the pain but physical activity (bending over and lifting things) did. The surgeon asked some questions and enlightened me about a few things that take place after surgery. After 3 years, the stitches are basically useless. Scar tissue holds the wrap in place. It is possible to move or disturb the wrap. Sometimes, an endoscopy can put things back in order. This leads me to the next step.

The endoscopy was performed by the same doctor that performed all of my other endoscopies. The endoscopy revealed NO problems in or with my esophagus. He concluded that whatever occurred (not sure what happened) probably happened to the wrap and was getting better with each day. I was instructed to take 2 axid per day for about 2 weeks.

I have taken it easy since then. It is now 5/25/98. I still get some discomfort after physical activity but not as bad as when this all started. I believe things are getting better. (to be continued)

It is now 2/2/99 and everything is fine and has been fine for some time. Still no heartburn. I LOVE IT!

There was however something else going on that neither the doctors or I were aware of. Around the beginning of July 98, I began to get some very severe shoulder pain, left side. It would happen within 15 minutes after placing my arm in certain positions. It would get so bad that it would make my left arm, to the elbow, useless. The only way I could get rid of it would be to lay down flat with my arm straight at my side.

By the end of July, it was getting worse and I decided a doctors visit was in order. MRI, here I come. Diagnosis, torn rotator cuff. Treatment, physical therapy. By Nov. 98, I was in just as much pain as I was in July.

Back to the specialist. He says, I must be one of the few that therapy won't help. He wanted to open my shoulder to repair the rotator cuff. I backed off. I was told it is a awful surgery. I wasn't ready for that. Good thing too.

I did not have the usual symptoms of a torn cuff. That puzzled my personal doctor and me. I stopped the physical therapy and began lifting weights concentrating on the left shoulder. It was helping, so it seemed.

I lived with it till May 14, 1999. Everything was understood at that time.

Read my next story dated May 14 1999. Notice the weird date connection. May 14 1998 and May 14 1999.

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