

Thank you for this information. I've been looking for someone who has
had the surgury done. I do homecare for a living and was wondering
after the surgury how long I would be off work. I am 49, and in good
shape, I have had other surgury and heal quickly. I was also wondering
about the vomitting and excess gas thing. I also heard that this
doesn't last forever, is that true? Could someone answer these






Dr. Alice Clearman


Update - almost 2.5 years post-op from my Nissen laparoscopic
fundoplication. Big news - I can vomit! What joy! I was very ill
about 6 months post-op and spent 15 hours heaving - without being able
to empty my stomach. Lovely. I opted out of going to ER for stomach
pumping. Last week I picked up a nasty g.i. virus (at work, no doubt)
and after some dry heaves, was able to actually expell some stomach
contents. This continued for hours until I was actually vomiting
nearly normal volumes. This lasted for about 20 hours - the course of
the illness. After that, for two days I had heartburn and medicated
myself PRN. Was quite unhappy about this, as I wondered if I would
need the surgery again. However, I am now thinking that I was just
experiencing the damage to the esophagus from all of the vomiting
(stomach acid), and also, perhaps my wrap stretched a bit. Everything
is back to normal - I feel great, no heartburn, and just as it has been
since the surgery, I can drink a big glass of orange juice, eat a plate
of spaghetti, and go right to bed! I am extremely busy, and on some
days, my only meal is at 10:00pm. (This is the glamorous doctor's
life - 14 hour days.) I never have reflux anymore and it is a dream.
As always, I recommend anyone considering this surgery to make sure
your surgeon is experienced - at least 100 of these procedures. Also,
be a fanatic about keeping your hands clean, use alcohol-based hand
cleaning gels (like Purell) and NEVER use the antibacterial cleaning
products (including hand and dish soaps), as they promote resistant
bacteria. Essentially, they end up doing the OPPOSITE of what they are
intended to do. Also, at potlucks, avoid anything which could possibly
be growing bacteria - stick with breads and fresh fruits to be
absolutely safe! People with fundoplications need to be extra careful,
as vomiting can be an issue, and you may end up needing to have your
stomach pumped - unpleasant.



I had a severe GERD for years. Medication, Prilosec 40mg/day +
Proplulsid 20mg*3/day, didn't help me much. I had a fundoplication in
March 2000. It helped, but I am still taking Nexium 40mg/day. Nexium is
the nevest PPI.

I have to redo my fundoplication. I don't know if it will help or
should I continue with Nexium all my life.

Are there anyone who have any experiences about the redo?

Thank you for this page.






I'm a British guy, just had Laproscopic Fundoplication 3 weeks ago in
London. I'm 26 and suffered GERD for nearly 10 years. All my doctors
told me there was nothing I could do to cure it and long-term
medication was the only solution, I believed them (more fool me!). I
moved to London for a job and registered with a GP and he asked me all
sorts of questions about my GERD and how long I'd been suffering. It
wasn't until he mentioned Barrett's and Cancer that I really got
scared. He told me there WAS a solution: the Nissen procedure.
Well, it's been only 3 weeks since my 2-hour surgery, and no acid at
all! Fellow sufferers will know how amazing that is. I used to have it
everyday even though I was on 15-30mg Zoton daily. I REALLY got me
down. Following the surgery I was on liquids for a few days then
steadily, onto solids. I have to eat only well-chewed and soft foods.
It does occasionally get stuck, but that was my fault, shouldn't have
attempted KFC and McD's really should I? It does feel weird still (well it WAS a major
procedure) but I have no serious complications apart from a slightly
annoying nausea, which has developed over the past 3 days. I'm a little
constipated but the main thing is that I have NO ACID!!! It is simply
amazing. My surgeon (Mr Jeremy Thompson) has not performed as many as
have been cited on this web page (around 50) but he put me in touch
with a lady who'd had it done a few months previous to me and she sung
his praises and told me it was the best decision she'd ever taken.
I'm seeing him again in a few days for a follow-up check over. I'll
update as and when my condition changes.
Thanks Gene- it's a simply brilliant website!

Tom Carver


Hi Gene,

Thank you for setting up this site. The music is relaxing. Calms my
sensitive nerves. I'm scheduled for my lap on the 28th, so I'm counting
down the days. I've suffered from GERD for about 10 years and finally
decided to go through with it!!

I'll let everybody know how things turn out.

Once again, thanks for the site!!

God Bless.




Hi Everyone

I had my operation last October and now feel a whole lot better. My life
has improved a great deal as a result and I can eat most things. I can
even have a nice cold beer or glass of red. My surgeon was very very
competent and did and excellent job. From what i've read and heard the
surgeon you choose can make or break the success of the operation.

If you need this operation don't be to scared because it's not too
painfull and after a while you feel so much better.

Bye for now

Richard Reeve


I recently underwent LNF operation in Essex England Post Op 8 days.

Found your site of great interest. My advice to anyone would be the
minor short term discomfort is well worth the end results. I'm still on
sloppy diet but as each days goes by I feel much better

Shirley Park


I had surgery last Fridat for a laparoscopy nissen stomach wrap.I
thought that once I had it the acid would leave but everything that I
eat or drink still leaves a foul taste in my mouth for hours.
It has been five days since the surgery and I feel worse than I did
before the surgery.




I really like your site!

Ellen Grove


Hi everyone:

Lauren's absolutely right about Gas-X. It got me through the first few
months of recovery. It's now just over six months since my procedure
and I rarely need it. Belching, although embarrassing, comes naturally.

I am one happy camper with my Nissen!!



I am 14 and I had the Nissan Fundoplication 10 days ago. I suffered
from reflux starting when I was 9 and I was put on 60 mg of Peviacad. I
am extreamly happy with my results, though I still have trouble
swallowing. Just this morning I had scrambled eggs and they got stuck.
That was extremaly pain full and not fun. I drink ensure (Banna
flavored! yum) and eat baby food and a lot of mashed potatoes! I can't
wait untill I can eat almost any thing I want. I would recommend the
surgry to any one as long as they are suffering. Make sure you get a
surgeon that has done a lot of the surgry though. My surgeon has done
over 1000 and I highly recommend him. His name is Dr. Rothenberg, in
denver Colorado. He pionerred this type of lap procedure.
Good luck everyone.
PS Buy lots of Gas x, it will be your best friend!

Van Kierstead


Thanks for setting up this web page. I've been told I'm an ideal
candidate for this procedure. The stories give me something to think
about. I'll let you know if I go through with it.

Damon P. Hill


I just had the surgery on April 8th. Dr. Guy Voeller of the UT medical
group performed the surgery. Excellent surgeon who has performed over
600 procedures. Surgery took a littel over an hour. The first night
was tough afterwards. Pretty painful but the morphine helped. Was able
to burp the day of the surgery. SO much for not being able to burp. :)
Also, i had no shoulder pain what so ever.
Went home the next day. My abdomen was real sore so i stayed in my
recliner 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. The first 3 days my wife had to
help me up out of the chair but i was able to get up by myself after
the 3rd day. Pain wasnt that bad, stayed on liquid Loratab for about 2
weeks. Ate only soup, pudding, oatmeal and slim fast shakes. I tried
scrambled eggs like they said, but they got stuck. That wasnt fun. I
started out weighing 211 lbs, and a month later im down to 194. A total
of 17 pounds. Not a bad thing.
I sleep in my bed now, after 3 weeks in the chair, no pain during the
day. I

Ellen Grove


Just thought I'd post an update. It's now almost six months since my
procedure. I eat and drink just about everything with little, if any,
reflux. The bloating has stopped. Still have more gas than I'd like,
but nothing unmanageable. And I've even lost more weight.

Again, the recovery was rough, but I'd rush to do it again.

And, please, if you're considering one, make sure that the surgeon you
choose is very experienced.



hi i'am 33 years old and had the fundolubrications nissen procedure
and i suffred for years with gerd. took priloci perpulsive,aciphex
protonix, they didnt help. i than had an endescopy and found i had
barretts disease and a large hyatil hernia. if took 8weeks of recovery
and i can tell you i'm so back to normal. i eat lighter but i eat
everythig. i watch acid foods as acid reflux doesnt go away it gets
better.if i had to do it again i would run. get a good dr do the test
and you should not have a problem,if the test are done and done right
and that your dr surgeon has done over 3oo.you should be okay. good

Tom Grundy


I am 59 yrs old, and 2 yrs. ago I had my fundoplication. I had been
suffering with heartburn and complications for many yrs. I had used
every over the counter remedy there was with some success and then
they would stop working after a while. I started Doctoring with the
problem and was diagnosed with Gerd and tried Prevacid and Prilosec for
about 5 yrs. with some success, but I was always noseated and had to
watch my diet very closely. I really wanted to stop these pills as
there are no long term studies. My family Dr. was not in favor of the
operation so I got a second opinion and after all the tests by the
Gastroenterologists they said I was a prime candidate for the operation.
The tests and the healing were very uncomfortable but it was very well
worth it.I had the operation on wed. morning and was at work on sat. at
my truck driving job. 2 yrs later I still have to make sure I don't
gulp down my food but thr heartburn never returned and I've never felt
better. Thanks to Dr. Mendaker in

kathy whitmore

w. pierce electronics


thank you for this page . justhad this surgery 5 days ago , i,m still
haveing trouble swallowing, some shoulder pain and gas and
bloating .But i exsect that to go away in time.I don't have the reflux
and pain i had before.Astime goes by I may share my story.
Kathy whitmore,

Tessa Porteous


congradulations gene onthe great work you've done to help people in
this situation. I'm actually a 2nd year nursing student at the
university of technology sydney in australia. i'm doing an assignment
on fundoplication and i wanted to thankyou for the information that
your web page gave me.
yours sincerely
and may god be with you

gina tackett


I will be having surgery the fourth of april for GERD. My doctor says
he feels confident he can do it without having to cut me open, but that
is not an iron-clad guarantee thst he won't have to. I scheduled it for
my kids spring break so i would have some time to recover before they
go back to school. The original date was for 27 March but the lady in my
docotr's office saved some time with the wrong doctor, which is why it
was pushed back.So now it's on the 4th of april and my kids go back the
8th not giving me much time at all.The tests were terrible although i
will say the tablets they gave me during the barium swallow were very
bitter and tasted worse than the barium.I have taken Nexium which
doesn't help the reflux at all, plus my hernia is pretty big so they
feel surgery is the best option. Are there any stories that don't have
such a horrible aftermath? I already am aware of the inability to burp
or throw up. i have resigned myself to being unable to drink anything
with carbonatio

David Harvey

Dave's Aussie Pages


Here I am, 54 years old and 9 days to go before I undergo the surgery. I
am scared sh*tless -- having seen my ex-wife undergo major open
stomach surgery back in 1987. (Different problem. Unrelated.)
I have had the reflux and heartburn due to hiatus hernia for more then
ten years, but I chose to suffer through it because of my fear of the
knife... Finally I have gotten so sick of the symptoms, I am having the thing
done. That's if I don't chicken out in the next 8 days. Sheesh. I didn't enjoy
reading the horror stories in here. But the success stories are good.
I am a bit of an overeater. I LIKE my food, I mean it's the only vice I
have, folks. I don't smoke any more, I don't drink (maybe two beers in
three months, if that) and I am divorced with no significant Other. My
weight is about 97 Kgs (a kilo is about 2.2 lbs) and I am 5 ft 8in tall, that's
172 cms in metric measure. I tend to get quite a bit of exercise, riding 7 to
16 kms most days around town (Sydney).
I discovered

Ellen Grove


Hi everyone:

It's now close to three months since my procedure and I'm so much
better. I can esaily have liquids with my meals. And I can finally a

I have six cute little scars that when connected seem to form the face
of my grandmother!!

I'm still rather gassy, but the bloating has abated.

I've lost close to twenty pounds since the surgery. I hope to continue

Once again, I say that all of the post operative discomforts were well
worth the results.



I am 5 days post op and really seem to be doing fine. Except for that
that it would be from the co2 they use during surgery and it will
absorb into the body but not so far! I have heard anything from 1-2
days and up to a week! The incisions are pain free no problems there.
Having some difficulty with pain with straight liquids but no problems
with soft foods so far. I have been a little daring with harder foods
but ok so far dont want to push it! go for first post op dr visit
friday. So Far very glad I had this done been suffering bad for almost
2 years and finally decided to do something about it! Hope bloating
goes away soon! was hoping to lose some weight since diet was so
restricted but fluid from surgery and bloat keeps me at the same
weight! good luck to future nissen candidates!



Thank you Gene for putting this site together. I was very nervous and
neededto hear both good and bad stories before doing the nissen
surgery. I had mine done (lap) in August 2001 and so far am doing
great. Anything is better than constant regurgitation of food and the
pain of continual reflux....My only bad experience has been not being
able to control gas (either direction) as much as I like, but it IS
liveable! I hope you are doing better now Gene, and everyone else who
has had this done!



This site is great, and you are a VERY BIG HELP...Thank you so



Hi everyone

It's now December 21st 2001 and I had my fundoplication on 18th Oct. I'm
not ashameed to say I was very very very scared of having the operation
but am so glad now. I still feel pain after eating sometimes but not
heartburn it's a stretching pain. I'm 23 and will be 24 in april next
year and have suffered for the last 2-3 years. It's been so depressing
and has taken away a lot of happiness. I'm glad I can start afresh now.

I still feel down sometimes but i'm on the mend
mail me if you want.

xx LJ xx



I just turned 35 yr's old on 12 Dec 01 and is sceduled for the Nissan
Fund. I have read numerous good and bad cases here. I have been in the
Marine Corps for 16 1/2 yrs and stated having this problem since Feb
01. I can literally bring everything back up obout an hour after I eat.
I only have a few years left before I can retire and I don't want this
surgery to affect me from doing so. I have all the symptoms that
everyone else is having. I am scheduled to have the sergery done in Feb
02. If there is any words of encouragement or helpful hins t prepare me
please I will take all the advice I can get. My only down fall if th
i'm from Louisiana and we love to eat there so I will have to control
my diet. Once again thanks for all the stories. Fill free to email me.
I will continue to read the articles and once I decide to go through
with the surgery I will surely let everyone know. God Bless

"Semfer Fidelis"

Ellen Grove


Well, it's now five weeks since the procedure and it's really working!!
For the first time in YEARS, I sleep lying down.
I can eat and drink almost everything.
It's still uncomfortable for me to eat bagels. Big deal!



I am 31 and had the surgery on Nov. 8, 2001. Everything went great-I
was released the next day. Minimal pain for a couple of days-a little
sore. Returned to work in two weeks. I was on a liquid diet for two
weeks-at the begining it took almost one hour to get down four ounces of
broth. Gradually the swelling has gone down. It's been almost three
weeks now and I am still on mostly liquids and soft foods. I can eat
some solid food but it must be in very small pieces and chewed very
well, otherwise it gets lodged in the throat. I am pleased with
surgery-will know more in four weeks when I can start adding those
things back in my diet I haven't had for three years. The only thing I
would advide people is to be prepared for eating lots of liquids and
soft foods afterwrards. Baby food is helpful to get your nutrients. You
may have to thin some of the 2nd and 3rd years down-but it's not bad and
gives you more options. For those of you that haven't had this-I compare

Ellen Grove


Hi again:

Well, I'm not gonna lie to you. The first two weeks were really rough.
But the swelling within the esphagus is going away. So I've just begun
to eat and drink REAL stuff! I still have to limit the quanitities.
Eating several small meals is gentler.

My incisions are healed. The bruises are much paler and I'm finally
able to sleep!! And that's lying down!!!!!!! So I'm feeling a bit
stronger with each day.

At times, I become frustrated because I'm not bouncing back quickly,
but it was a MAJOR procedure and I am about to turn 51.

Would I recommend the procedure? You're damned right!

I just had an orange and it's not flying back up into my mouth.

Ellen Grove


Hi everyone:

Here I am, just four days after my surgery, still very swollen and
bruised, but hopeful.

My GI problems began over eight years ago with the sudden removal of my
gallbladder. I NEVER got better. In fact, I only become sicker.

I've been two twelve major US hospitals where I've undergone over fifty
disgusting invasive tests and procedures that never really helped.

You see, I've got the mother of all reflux, SUPRAESOPHAGEAL REFLUX!

And as you all know, chonic reflux can kill.

I'm having a great deal of pain when I drink any fluids as I can;'t
belch. I'm hoping that ot will abate with time.

I'll keep you posted.



Had trouble breathing about 6 months ago and went to see the Doctor.
GERD (acid reflux) over a period of years had created scarring and
irritation in my throat. The airway had become 80% closed. The
doctors wouldnt even examine me until I got a trachestomy.

Trach was uneventful, and subsequent tests confirmed severe reflux and
LES wide open. Nissan Fundoplication was performed.

To clear the airway they tried stretching the throat by sticking rods
of increasing diameter down me and injecting with steroids, but the
scarring is old and not responding. Another operation to remove the
subglottic stenosis and free the vocal chords is scheduled next week.
But, no more heartburn, and soon I can get this damn trach out.

My one wish is that my stomach could be a bit more predictable. 20
minutes after I eat anything I get 2-3 hours of gas pain and urgent
trips to the bathroom -- any one find a way to relieve this please post

Jenny Sheraton


G'day! I would like to say that I wish that I had seen your site
before I had my surgery in March 2000. Although I was very confident
and both my surgeon and gastroenterologist had been through the
procedure thoroughly. I am now 24 years old and had suffered from
reflux since I was born. Unfortunately the doctors didn't diagnose it
until I was 7 years old. My poor mother suffered when I was a baby.
This started the long road of medication (some of which are now over
the counter medications)and endoscopies and barium meals. At least
these tests got better over the years (in the early days they weren't
too good and some required overnight hospitalisation). During my teens
the doctors considered doing the open surgery but changed their minds
due to fact that I was still growing. (Didn't help me much with the
pain) My childhood was normal for me but looking back I wasn't with
restrictions on foods and always having take medications before meals.
Finally after finishing high s

Liz Convis


Thank you for your web site. After being told by the GI Doctor my son
had Cystic Fibrosis (due to all his respirtory infectionts), then he
had allergies because he couldn't find anything wrong. It was almost a
relief to find out he had GERD -&- Hital Hernia. My Son (DOB 12/8/97) had
his surgery on 10/31/00. Results are still out on this surgery, he no
longer has the reflux or vomiting. But we still have the G tube, for
feeding and venting him. We haven't seen a significant weight gain or
growth post surgery. And now I feel like I am butting my head against
the wall to find new ways to get him to eat. He constantly says he is
full. Worried Mom.



I am going in for the fundo on Monday, Aug. 20, 2001. I have done the
Barium swallow, ph monitoring, menometry, and endoscopy. I am a 31 year
old male. I currently weigh 209lbs. For the last five years I have had
severe reflux at night and probably vomit 4 nights a week due to the
burning pain in my throat. This problem has led to asma and a hernia
most likely caused from the severe coughing. I average 4 hours a night
of sleep and have started to fear all kinds of food. Propulsid made me
short tempered and I have been on Prilosec for the last 2 years. Tums
stopped working years ago. 256 instances of reflux during the
menometry.6 on the esophagul tightness test. Overall score of 187. I
was diagnosed with Barretts after the endoscopy. I use 5 pillows
everynight to keep my head elevated. I don't drink or smoke. My
children are worried about me because of the nightime vomiting. Thank
you for this sight and I will update my results as soon as I can. God
bless you all who go through thes


Gastrostomy Support


Thank you for providing the stories so people can see the good and bad of
Fundoplication. I put a link to your site from mine. Good luck to you and



I had the Fundo done almost two years ago and eat anything I want now.
Before the operation I took Prilosec to no avail, elevated my bed,
didn't eat many types of food and still had much pain. An endo showed
Short Segment Barrets Esop. I had gas pain fairly frequently at first
and it felt like a heart attack it was so intense but over time it has
waned. Now maybe once every 3 month. I found Gasex helps alot and
quickly. I've never had to vomit so don't know if I can or not. I
didn't need Prilosec for my GERD because I had no GERD but I developed
a stomach ulcer so have to take Prilosec for awhile to heal the
ulcer.My stomach may just put out too much acid. I am very happy wiht
the Fundo and recommend it. Get a good doctor. The wrap can't be too
tight (or food has troube getting thru, or too loose ( or acid backs
up). The key to the success is the Dr. knowing just how tight to make
the wrap. If you suffer, get the operation. It works for ov er 90% of
the people having it.

Craig Leri


I had fundoplication on May 2, 2001. After many years of reflux,
erosion in my esophagus had presented, along with severe chest pain,
loss of voice, etc. I choice the surgery, which was performed in
Sacramento, CA. Post-surgery recovery seemed fairly uneventful, except
for the usual problems; inability to swallow, pain, etc. But, 6 weeks
post-surgery, I began fainting when eating. After numerous tests,
visits to the surgeon, gastroenterologist, and cardiologist, it was
discovered that my esophagus now empties too rapidy and precipates a
vegal nerve response wherein my hearts quits beating, and I begin to
lose consciousness. Talk about frightening. Has anyone else out there
experienced this problem? My cardiologist is waiting just a bit to see
if this is a temporary problem. If not, I will be needing to have a
pacemaker installed to control my heart rhythm. Needless to say, this
problem has made eating a hideous problem. Certain foods will trigger
the nerve response due t



Hi WEll I'm a little scared after reading your stories. My doctor has
recomended me for the Fundoplication Surgery and I'm trying to decide
what to do. I am currently attending AMDA( the American Musical and
Dramatic Academy) in New York. Every day I have to sing and my throat
burns so bad. It burns all day everyday. I have been on ever medication
from prilosec, prevacid,nexium to metoclopramide. None of them have
helped. I'm so scared to get the surgery. If any one has any advice
please write me. I have to decide soon. this will effect my career and



7/18/01 I had the Nissan Fundoplication performed two days ago and I'm
home already. The procedure went well and took about 45 minutes.
However, for about 18 hours following the procedure I was very
nausiated and dry heaved a few times (extreamly painful). The next
morning the nausia was gone but I had sharp gas pains. I was put on
regular diet at dinner but had to take small bites and chew well. There
was slight discomfort swallowing and the gas pains continued. The
doctor recommended not using a straw, and only drink after I finished
eating. It seemed to help. This morning I had bacon and eggs and was
released from the hospital. Everything seems good except for the gas.
Hopefully it will decrease over time. The only thing I can recommend is
to check the history of your surgeon and request medication for nausia
and pain as often as allowed. I would love to hear from anyone about
this subject.



Saw this page and wanted to add my story.

I had very low level heartburn and indigestion for ~2 years. Then, in
october of 2000, I started having severe heartburn, which would progress
into chest pain.

After attempting to remedy the symptoms with Zantac 300 and then
Prevacid, neither of which offered serious relief, my doctors started
evaluating me for a Nissen.

First, an endoscopy showed significant irritation of the tissue, but no
signs of erosion. Esophageal manometry showed a very low LES pressure,
but textbook-perfect swallowing function. A barium swallow showed good
swallowing function, and evidence of reflux. A pH-meter indicated a
strong case of GERD. Based upon these results, a high level of pain
(near debilitating in March 2001), and the almost complete lack of
response to treatment, we decided to have a Nissen done in April.

The procedure itself seemed to go well, until 3 days after the surgery,
I developed a case of crepitus (air under the skin, a not-uncommo



Hi - I'm back - after the surgery. Had fundoplication June 22, 2001.
I had some setbacks because of other problems. (They discovered I had
pneumonia when I was on the operating table - this is not the norm for
most people. Just one of those 'unusual things'.) Because of the
penumonia, they had to put me on heavy dosages of antibiotics which
made me really, really sick. The night after the surgery, I got the
dry heaves from the sickness I felt and wretched the operation 'out of
place' to say the least. The next day I had to go back in and have the
surgery re-done. Lucky me eh? Anyhow, I'm home now, and it's been
just under 2 wks. and so far, so good. I have a lot of back pain
(could be related to my lungs, very little stomach pain, (I'll ask the
doc today what that might be?) and a lot of difficulty swallowing - but
that's to be expected. I do NOT have reflux!!! So, that's a good
thing. I just hope and pray I stay on this road of recovery and would
recommend to people to



I had the fundoplication surgery 4 years ago and everything was fine
until recently. I had a GI bleed due to medication I was on for other
problems about 5 months ago. I am back on the prevacid and can't sleep
at night. I lie in pain about 3-4 hours a night curled up in a ball.
Still the doctors can't say what the problem is but I am losing all
kinds of weight and back on the special diets again. I no longer get
the heartburn that I had constantly before the surgery however the pain
feels 10 times worse. I am still waiting on test results. If anyone
has the same problems please let me know. I would love to just have a
slice of pizza or a can of soda again.



Sorry, hit wrong button. I had a Nissan Fundo 6 days ago. The surgery
went well for the most part, however, the doc severed the main artery
in my Spleen, because it was not where it was suppose to be and had
been covered with fatty tissue. The top of my Spleen is purple with no
blood flow, but the bottom part is pink so, Doc opted to leave it in,
until he spoke with me. I also have opted to leave it and see what
happen. I have a lot of pain in my left upper rib cage area and up into
my shoulder blade. Has this ever happened to anyone and what are my
changes of keeping my Spleen? I was the Doc's 201st patient and this is
the first time this has ever happened to him.




jeannie tisi



going in for fundoplication June 22, 2001. Very nervous, but, know I
have to go through with it. I have every imaginable sympton that's
related to GERD and now, I have a spot on my esophagus. This worries
me not to have the surgery. I hear good things and really bad things.
I just pray to God I'm making the right move. I'll refer back after
the surgery. Jeannie





Jamie (no email)


After five years of on-and-off bouts of heartburn, maximum doses of
and up to 12 Tums a day, my gastroenterologist and family doctor agreed
I was good candidate for nissan fundoplication.
After several important pretests and major research on my part
your website), I had the surgery 7 weeks ago. In addition to the wrap,
doctor discovered a large part of my stomach had migrated up into the
wall through the diaphragm (not detected in the tests). The surgery to
repair that and the fundoplication took three hours (laparoscopy).
Had you asked me if I was glad with the result just two or three weeks
surgery, I would have said "absolutely not!" I did not do well with
pain medications prescribed. I had terrible nausea for two weeks and a
of difficulty with swallowing. I walked miles to get rid of the gas.
symptoms were worse than they ever were prior to surgery.
But now?
 The nausea is gone...I'm back at work...I'm back to workouts in the
gym...I'm going to keep off the 10 pounds I lost...the occasional gas is
treated with GAS-X. I still have difficulty swallowing, but it's
better (thank God for ice cream and soy/fruit shakes).

I'm really glad I did it and it's over!

1. No more medication.
2. Goodbye foam wedge in my bed.
3. I can eat just before bedtime.
4. Once I can swallow without discomfort, I will be able to eat
5. No worry about esoph. cancer.
6. No mistaking heartburn for a heart attack or vice versa!

If you can get through one terrible month, you'll be glad you did it!!!








I think that your site is very good and helpful to alot of other
people out there. I was born with a ball of infection the size of a
superball on one of my kidney's. The kidney that it was on, was very
small and the small kidney was ballooned. All of this was found out
when I was 3 after being to many hospitals and getting tons of
different answers. I would often have to go to the Hospital and get
blood tests and tubes would be inserted inside of me to see if my urine
would run back up from my bladder to my kidneys. I was given an
antibiotic to take and it was a liquid since I was so small, and it was
very nasty...it had sulfa drugs in it and I found out that I was
allergic to it, so the other option was surgery( Fundoplication). I was
nine years old and I remember so much of it. I was cut from hip bone to
hip bone, and they went in and cut the ball of infection off of the
smaller kidney,and this surgery was only to take 3 hours, but something
else was wrong. The tube tha








Symptoms for 6 yrs. Had a barium swallow, scope, pH monitor and
menometry. Been on Prevacid 8 months. Recommended for fundoplication;
asked my doctor twice for other patients who might be willing to talk
with me about their experiences--no response.

So I was very pleased to find this website! I am taking a month to try
everything possible before deciding--no coffee, chocolate or alcohol.
Plus (I am NOT qualified to recommend this home remedy, so be
CAREFUL!!) I have taken 2 or 3 drops of iodine in a few ounces of
chocolate milk two or three times a day for the past 3 weeks, and it
has significantly reduced chest pain.

Has ANYONE EVER reported healing from reflux and hiatal hernia? -still
on the fence. Kara

Nate Winans


Hey i just wanna mention that i think this fundoplication homepage
thingy is pretty cool and has some pretty neat stories about patients
who have suffered from this. I had a fundoplication when i was 13 years
old and have had ever since about 2 years old. I just wanna say that
having a site is very good and helpful and it helped my parents out a
lot finding out what has happened and could happen during a dangerous
procedure like this!

Laci Womboldt


I am 17 years old and I have had 2 fundoplications. I am currenttly
getting ready to undergo a 3rd. The first two were lasproscopic but
this third time is going to be open and I am not looking forward to it
because they daid even after having this surgery I will have to
remain on my medications and that is not cool. I wish that they
had a for sure way of fixing this problem for sure. All I want to be is
normal and not have to take all the medicine I do because since
my stomache is bad so is my asthma and so I talk medicine non
stop. I never realized until I read all of the articles here of how
many people are affected by this also. I hope they find a solution
to this problem.
Laci Womboldt
17, Columbus, NE




Bill McKinley


Thank you for this web site. Now I know I am not alone with
complications from this type of surgery. I had a Lap. Nissen Fundo. in
March of 1999. Since this surgery I have suffered from severe chronic
chest pain. Six months after this surgery, after being refferred to
other specialists and many diagnostic tests to check for heart, lung,
muscle, nerve problems,etc, I finally decided to seek out another
thoracic surgeon. This Doctor immediately discovered that my stomach
was in my chest. This was repaired trans-thoracically in October 1999.
I continue to suffer from chronic chest pain. So far I have been unable
to find a cure for the nerve damage incurred during the original
fundoplication. Please warn all prospective patients they should
demand a barium swallow within 1-2 week post-op to verify proper
positioning of the stomach. This is an established standard if pain is
a recurring problem. Unfortunately my original surgical team failed to
have this test performed despite my conti








I am a 28 year old female and I had my surgery 5 weeks ago. For the
first 3 weeks I had problems swollowing. My throat was swollen really
bad from the breathing tube. Over all everything went very well. I
have lost 13 pounds so far and plan on loosing more. My eating has
changed quite a bit. I eat like a three year old. I can't even finish
all my food on my plate. Tonight I ate steak for the first time since
the surgery. I had trouble getting it to go down, but it was worth
it. Carbonated drinks are still a no no. They are very painful and I
will be glad when I can really burp! The good thing is I have no
reflux! I had wonderful doctors at Pitt Memorial Hospital. The nurses
were wonderful. It was all worth it.

Sherry Morrow


My mother had a fundoplication earlier this year. She walked into the
hospital outpatients services and ended up in the Intensive care unit
on a respirator for 3 days. I was told by the surgeon that she had
developed cardiac arrest during the procedure. The procedure lasted 9
hours. I was told it would only be a couple of hours.

Since discharge from the hospital my mothers health has greatly
deteriated. She has lost 50 pounds over the summer. I know that they
done biopsies of the esophagus and all were negative for cancer. I was
wondering if any one else had suffered any complications from this

She has not been able to eat as much and is just generally lethargic.
She has frequent diarrhea followed by constipation. I hope that someone
can help with this matter or offer any information.

David Samaniego


I am a 38 year old male. I have suffered from heartburn/reflux for
approximately 10 years. In the beginning I lived on Rolaids until I
was eating 8-10 per night. I finally saw a doctor and was prescribed
Zantac 150 mgs. After a few years of Zantac, it began to lose its
effectiveness. I then saw a gastroenterologist who put me on Prevacid
30 mg once per day. The Prevacid works about 80% of the time. The
other times, I get a severe pain in my chest, middle back, and
sometimes my lower jaw and neck area. The doctor says the pain is
caused by reflux acid forcing my esophegus to spasm shut. I had an
endoscope performed in which they diagnosed a hiatal hernia. I had the
monometry and 24-hr pH monitor done. The monometry indicated my lower
esophogeal sphincter was extremely weak (it showed a value of 6, when
20-40 is normal). During the 24-hr pH monitor I had 203 episodes of
heartburn. Doc says I should have a fundoplication, but I am too
worried after reading some of the bad

Michelle Bailey


I had the nissan Fundo. performed 2yrs ago and have nothing but
problems since. I woke from surgery with intense pain in my right
shoulder, and have never lost that pain. I lost 20 lbs, unable to get
solid food down, i am now fighting to keep 99 to 100lbs on my body. I
am 5'5" been back to several doctors, Mayo clinc, and nothing has been
done to help me. My family accused my of having a eating disorder and
wanted to put me into a clinic for help, I convinced them it was due to
my surgery, and I am seeing a shrink to help me deal with the stress of
people who cannot cope with my thin body weight. I was not told of all
the after afffect that I have to cope with daily, and wish I never had
this surgery. No bread products, meat ect, goes down without choaking.
I believe the shoulder pain might be due to the nissan fundo. Pinch
nerve. This is a hell of a way to live my life, and anyone that is
considering this surgery, think twice, I wish I did. Michelle

Linda Raynes


I had fundoplication 10 days ago by a wonderful surgeon that has done
the procedure 750 times laproscopically. My surgery was assisted by the
Da Vinci robotic system which I find incredible. I still have some of
the pain that I had before surgery but I am going to reserve judgement
for the suggested 10 weeks. Good Luck to everyone in their recovery

Judy Grubbs


I am reading everything I can on fundoplication. My 9 year old
granddaughter is about to have a toupet or 3 wrap fundoplication.
Any info on these procedures will be apprecitated.

Al Hendrickson


I had a laparoscopic fundoplication last Monday 5/15/00. I'm on my
feet, back at work in one week. Still pain in the shoulder and at the
base of the ribs where it always was, but now it's somehow different.
They did cut, fold and stitch right where the problem was, so hopefully
it's just post-operative pain. No reflux though...and my perennial
cough seems to have gotten better. Swallowing anything is a challenge
though, and it feels like there's a lump in my throat. Things do seem
a little better every day. I'm hoping for the best. Thanks for a
great site. Perhaps I'll return with the whole story after things
settle in a bit.






Dr. Alice Clearman F



After two years of painful heartburn/GERD, I decided to get it fixed
and be able to sleep all night. I was on Prevacid and took so many
Tums that my bones are rock-solid. Did all of the lifestyle stuff -
elevating head of bed, changing diet, small meals, not eating after
5:00 pm, etc. Actually, it didn't matter whether I was upright or
lying down. Reflux was constant. Found an excellent surgeon - he's
done 300 laproscopic fundoplications. Read that again - 300. He
ordered five tests - upper endoscopy (found grade IV esophagitis),
manometry (a very small tube is introduced through the nose down the
esophagus), 24 hour ph test (another very small n.g. tube which is worn
for 24 hours and measures acidity in the esophagus) gastric emptying
(eat a sandwich with isotope which shows rate of emptying), and upper
g.i. (barium swallow).

After surgery, woke up with a terrible migraine, a roommate with
rap "music," tv, talking loudly on telephone and wearing sickening

Bottom line - find a
surgeon who has done AT LEAST 200 fundoplications. You will have an
extremely low probability of trouble with vomiting or eating
afterward. I am ecstatic over my surgery - my surgeon has done 300 of
them and NEVER had a patient who could not vomit. Also, after one
month I am eating back to normal. I couldn't be more pleased with this
wonderful surgery.
Dr. Alice Clearman Fusco




Mary Stevens


My daughter is graduating college next month but instead of walking and
getting her diploma she will be having a "Laproscopic Fundoplication".

She has been sick for 1 1/2 years. She is heavily medicated and still
throws up after every meal. She has not felt good in such a long time
that she doesn't remember what it feels like to be normal.

She wants this surgery more than anything and I hope it helps. I have
read all of the stories and realize that she may still be sick but I
feel it is a chance worth taking.

She is having her surgery at "Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga Tenn. by
a Dr. Michael Greer. Any Feedback?? How do I know if he is a good
Dr.? How do I find out how many of these surgeries he has done?

Sincerely Mary Stevens

Mike Meyers


I'm a 52 year old male who has suffered from GERD for years. Past 4-5
years have been Prilosec and over the counter antacids. Past 6 months
have been progressively worse. All test done. also on Prevacid and
Propulsid. No results. Had laproscopy surgery done Tues. 4/4 and came
home Thur. 4/6. Feeling pretty good. Nothing to eat from Tues. till
Sat. afternoon but jello and broth. Today it it's cream soups, puddings
and ice cream. Did not have a bowel movement from Monday till this
afternoon. Lots of gas and bloating. Minimal belching. Still have some
discomfort from the operation. Last night I awoke with the same burning
discomfort I had pre surgery. Hoped it was just a passing thing. Twice
today I have had the debillitating chest and shoulder pain I had before
the surgery. I pray all this was not in vain. The pain seems worse
after eating. Monday I'll call the doctor and tell him. Is this just
going to go away. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Mike



After 25yrs of heartburn and reflux (I'm only 32 yrs old) I'm
considering the Nissan Fundoplication procedure. I have read all of
the stories and feel now that I can make a informed decision based on
scientific fact and real world testimonials.

Thank you all for sharing your stories.




I'm finally being evaluated for a fundo after 12 years of GERD and a
sliding hiatal hernia and the possibility of Barretts at my last
endoscopy in 1998 (luckily that was negative by biopsy). I'm a bit
scared but I can't see myself on Prilosec the rest of my life! (I'm
only 31!) I hope all goes well after reading some of the stories!




Well I read all the postings here most sound good a few kinda scared me
a bit , im having the stomach wrap thing soon. hope its not to horrible
for me feel a little better reading the good letters I found here but
guess the surgery is not for all hope it fixes my horrible pain just
below my right last rib, anyone have that kinda pain with there reflux
pains? .. eating anything makes it hurt worse painkillers do not really
help at all either .. I will post a letter after my surgery hope it
helps the next fellow


Fundoplication (Good/Bad)


I'm finally first at something. I hope this wes site help you in any
way that it can.


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