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Joyce's Story

Hi, My name is Joyce and this is my Fundoplication story.
I have fundoplication done laparoscopically in 1998 after 15 years of hell, eating bottle after bottle of antacids, having numerous tests, then finally reaching the point where I had to self regurgitate nearly every thing I ate or drank because it could not go anywhere. The upside was I lost 40 pounds, but I was actually starving to death. Due to my weight at that time, one gastroenterologist point blank stated HE would never operate on me because I was too great a risk. I finally found a Dr. who recommended a general surgeon to talk to, so I did and he was wonderful, compassionate and knew I needed the surgery NOW. I had it scheduled for 2 weeks later, however, it turned into an emergency when I couldn't even swallow water anymore, and couldn't regurgitate.
I was taken to the emergency room where I was admitted. A g-tube was inserted into my stomach and had an EKG done at my insistence. At about 4 pm that evening I was admitted to surgery. I woke in the recovery room, realizing I had been catheterized, then the next thing I knew I was back in my own room, my family by my side. I woke once in the middle of the night to a morphine drip, went back to sleep, woke up the next morning when my catheter was removed, I walked to the bathroom by myself and was out in the hall walking as soon as I was served my breakfast, which I was still hesitant to even try and eat. I had oatmeal, scrambled eggs and tea. It was wonderful! I was out of the hospital in 4 days, on my feet every day to walk, however I will admit, I was weak for several weeks, I believe it was closer to a couple of months, however I went back to work and just rested more than usual.
I also had what is called dumping syndrome, with the bowels, diarrhea that comes on suddenly and alot of gas. Gas is still my main complaint 5 years later, but no more heartburn! I have lately begun having problems with stomach bloating but don't know what is causing that, so can't blame that on the surgery. I only have 1 scar that is noticeable. All in all, I am so thankful I had it done and really was ashamed for being so scared all those years. Please, please find a good sympathetic gastroenterologist. If he doesn't say what you want to know, then find another one and tell them who and why. Go and get ground level with the surgeon he recommends, and the same process works there, too. Make them answer all your questions and allay any fears of this surgery. Don't go another day on the Purple Pill if you don't have to! I was 50 years old and weighed 260 pounds when I had the surgery done. Just make sure you have all the cardio tests, and make them put the circulatory boots on you before the surgery for good circulation in your legs. MAKE yourself do everything the medical people ask you to do--cough, deep breath, THEN GET OUT OF THAT BED AS SOON AS YOU ARE ALLOWED AND WALK. That is the best thing you can do to keep from possibly having a blood clot,and helping yourself heal quicker. And good luck! Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.

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