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Kristi's Story

Dear Gene I emailed you quite some time ago when I lived in the Czech Republic. I had been suffering with very bad GERD, to the extent where my Esophagus was raw and bleeding, had to live on heavy doses of PPI's and lived on energy shakes and porridge for many months. It slowly got to the point where I could eat solids, but had to consume things about 10 times a day due to pain and fullness in my stomach. Went for tests several times. Eventually I went to see a top surgeon in the country who does about 3 Fundos daily. He said I was young and encouraged me to find an alternative route to deal with it. I tell you, I am glad I listened. After much pain and no life, my patience paid off. My father passed away last year and I had to move back to South Africa, where I am originally from. I suffered even more after his death, obviously all the stress etc.

I went to see a GP in SA, I told him I was at wits end and that I was not coping. He prescribed Cilift, new brand of antidepressant. It contains Citalopram. It changed my life. Within two months of taking the Meds and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, I slowly weaned myself off PPI's and Promotility agents. Today a year later I can say I can eat everything and do not suffer. I do not over eat and still wait for food to digest before going to bed, otherwise I feel a little uncomfortable. I dont need to take my wedge pillow with me everywhere, and can enjoy food in a restaurant. My life has improved by 10%. I didnt think it would work but it did.

Please recommend it to anyone who needs help. Its worth a try. I know what its like just wanting to give up, and I know how GERD takes over your life and I have been given my life back without surgery.

Please give anybody my email address, which is different to this one.

Thanks a million for your website, It was a big help when trying to get through this thing. I still visit it regularly.

Have a wonderful Christmas and God bless you.
I hope you continue to get better and better.
Kindest regards

NOTE: I talked with Kristi about the drug referenced in this story. Here is her reply:
"When looking for the drug, dont worry about the name cilift, it might be called something else. Look for the active ingredient, citalopram. Its a fairly new drug, but I am sure that the States has made use of it."
An Internet search of this ingredient will provide much information. This notation should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation, to take citalopram or any other drug.


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