This is just one of the stories here.

This site has been up and running for about 9 years now. A couple of copycat sites have also appeared recently. I guess this is a good thing. I can�t begin to describe all the email I have received since I started this site years ago. I�ve been through 3 page counters but Geocities says the page hit is just about 103,000. Not bad, from the hit point of view. Most want to know how I am doing now. I will get to this later. Several conclusions can be drawn from the emails and stories I have received:
1. Doctors do not provide enough Pre & Post surgery information.
2. Finding a good doctor, to do this surgery, is not easy.
3. Just because the surgery is over, life will not be like it used to be.

Well, it�s now been over 9 years since the Fundoplication. Life is still good. Most of the small problems are still around. Still can�t belch like I used to but I do get one out, here and there. Still haven�t vomited and probably still couldn�t, even if I had to. Physically, I do whatever work I want but if I over do it I will feel it. Still can�t eat garlic or chocolate. Still no answer why. Bloating is still here but eating and drinking correctly handles most of that issue. Still no beer or soda. All my weight, 165 lbs., has returned and maybe about 10 pounds more. Not sure if it�s because of the surgery or I�m getting older and doing less :). Anyway, basically I have no complaints, no heartburn, still eat almost anything I want, and most importantly-NO MEDS. As the index page music says, "Oh What A Lucky Man He Was". I'll drink to that! I do feel very lucky, compared to others at my site.

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