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Mike's Update Story

Update from Mike, dated February 19, 2000.

A little less than one year since my surgery and I am doing great! I've been eating and drinking whatever I want. I've even been eating some foods that I've avoided for over 10 years (like bell peppers). I've only had a few instances of reflux, and they were very minor. I don't take advantage of my new-found "lease on life" (i.e. I don't pig out or eat a lot of junk food), but I do enjoy the opportunity to lead a more normal life, enjoy more spicy foods, etc..

Excess gas continues to be a problem - but just for those within close proximity of me!!!! :)) It's not a big problem though.

The stomach gurgling has gone away.

Only thing I haven't done is continued losing weight. In fact over the past Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, I gained a few pounds back, and I haven't been able to lose them. I attribute it more to being unable to get to the gym as regularly as I had been, as my business has been keeping me extremely occupied. (Here's a New Years resolution you've never heard before - I'm going to get back on course with my workouts, and pay better attention to the quantity and quality of food I eat). I have noticed that the extra weight is much more uncomfortable since the surgery, and it seems to actually cause a little pain in the surgery areas. So, I really do need to get the extra pounds off.

To summarize - the surgery has been a grand success. I go back for my 1-year checkup in April. If there's any more info worth sharing at that time, I'll make sure I update this site.

Good health to you!

-------------------- update - May 29, 2001 -----------------------------
I continue to do well with the fundoplication. My last Endoscopy was about 6 months ago (December 2000). The results of that were very good! Appears there is no worsening of the Barrets, and in fact my Gastroenterologist thinks it might look a little improved! I have had no major problems, only what seems to be fairly typical - occasional pains and abdominal discomfort, gas and bloating, and lots of pain if I inadvertently over eat (stuff myself!). I continue to take fairly intensive "anti-cancer" vitamin and mineral supplements daily, including a supplement called IP-6 which is supposed to help prevent cells in your body from mutating. Of course, there's no way to gauge realistically if the vitamins and supplements are helping, but I have to believe they are.

Mike E.

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