Name- A'dren
Age- 22 Turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Bisexual
Birth Place- Southern Weyr
Mother- Alydda, Green Rider, 46 turns
Father- T'ryn, Bronze Rider, 47 turns
Siblings- Sister, Myna, Blue Rider, 24 turns, - Brother, C'kor, Brown Rider, 23 turns
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none yet
Children- none yet
Skills- Cooking
Hair- Sandy blonde hair, constantly falls into his beautiful eyes.
Eyes- A beautiful shade of a bluish-gray.
Height- 6'1
Build- Skinny with a few muscles.
Complexion- Lightly tanned all over
Other- Two light jade studs in his left ear.
Strengths- friendly
Weaknesses- He sometimes talks to much and it can be quite annoying.
Personality- A�dren is a very friendly person and he makes friends with almost everyone he meets. He can understand people and accept them for who they are.  A'dren also likes to exercise to keep himself in shape.
History-  A'dren grew up in the Southern Weyr with his loving family of his parents, Alydda and T'ryn, and his older brother and sister, C'kor and Myna.  He loved his life at Southern and had a very happy childhood. A'dren had many friends and loved to go exploring with them around the weyr. One night when A'dren was only 10 turns old a family friend became very drunk and started to make fun of his sexual preference. A'dren sat there and took it all in, he did not fight it or say anything rude back to the man because A'dren was a lover not a fighter.  5 turns later, Audren was invited to a hatching and was very excited. When the first green hatched he felt a sudden rush of emotions and ran up to the dragon and impression was made.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Flavanth
Dragon's age- 7 turns
Description- a light jade green, if a few shades lighter the skin would be almost white.

Age impressed- 15 turns.
Personality- Flavanth is a rather hyper dragon. She loves to show off and fly around doing all sorts of tricks. Flavanth is also nice and is friendly to everyone she meets.
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