Name- Asha
Age- 18 Turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Hetero
Birth Place- Ruatha Hold
Mother-Jasmine, 32T
Father- Markin, 71T, Wealthyman
Siblings- Drusilla, older sister, dead
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none yet
Children- none yet
Skills- Dancer, Physical Fighting, Gardening (plants and nature)
Hair- Black, long (halfway down her back) and straight and ragged, in the sun it has red, blue, and green sheens.
Eyes- Black, flecks of all different colors inside (blue, green, grey, gold) but very hard to see unless standing very close.
Height- 5' 7"
Build- Feminine muscles, nice curves, 'gifted' chest
Complextion- Lightly tanned.
Other- Tatoos all black, one of thorns around upper right arm, and one on lower back of wicked looking thirteen point star. Belly button ring and silver anklet. A few slash marks on left thigh.
Stengths- Very strong, Manipulative, Seductive
Weaknesses- Healing, Never letting anyone get into a serious relationship with her.
Personality- Asha is hard to understand sometimes. She is way into 'one night stands', it is her basic rule. She never lets anyone under that hard protective shell she is able to put up when she is hurt or not in the mood. She loves to party and have a good time, and frequently laughs at others and her own mistakes. She can be pretty unpredictable, and has been known to be the center of attention in Taverns at her old home.
History- Asha was born to an old wealthy man and his young beautiful wife, who was just waiting for him to die off so she could inherit his fortune. Jasmine had not wanted children, but she dicided she would just to make him happy. Drusilla was born first and looked alot like her father, skinny and sickly, no hips or chest with thin shoulder length almost white hair. In other words ugly. She didnt even get a nice name. A Turn later Asha was born, and looked nothing like either her mother or father. But she was a beauty, and was born with everything Drusilla wanted desperatly. As a result Drusilla did everything in her power to torture Asha, even when they were young.
Once, Asha met a handsome dragon rider in a Tavern when working as a dancer apprentice. They danced and got to know eachother, and eventually he would come to visit her every sevenday. Drusilla over heard one night when he confessed that he loved Asha. The jealous older sister was fuming, she had been trying to get his attention the whole time. Drusilla, in a mad craze killed the dragonrider in his sleep. Asha woke to find her love next to her bloody and dead. After that Asha changed dramatically, she tortured her sister and eventually killed her after she found out she had been the murderer. She then left home and lightened a bit over time, her grudge and hate subsiding, though she never let any male get too close. Soon she got bored with only dancing and the... other... things she did for marks,  and decided Standing in a Weyr might be interesting so she went to Laprun.

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Color Preference- Gold
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