-Name- Auriel (known as Rie)
Age- 24 Turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Hetero
Birth Place- Bitra Hold
Mother- Unknown
Father- Fergish, Miner of high rank, 47 Turns
Siblings- Amira, 26 Turns, Greenrider at Igen Weyr
Other relations- None she knows of.
Weyrmate/Lover- none yet
Children- none yet
Skills- Absolutely astounding on riding horses, and taking care of them (because she used to be a dragonrider) Used to be a dancer, an excellent one, but hasn�t danced in over 10 Turns.
Hair- In color it is a luxurious golden brown, that glints and shines in the sun. It falls at least 11 inches past her shoulders, and is thick and very silky. It is straight but ends in big, soft, loose curls.
Eyes- In color they are dark brown, and they appear almost black. They are accompanied by long black lashes, and dark, thin eyebrows.
Height- 5' 8"
Build- Slender and nice curves, but is strong and has well defined feminine muscles.
Complexion- Tanned.
Other- She has small scars scattered all over, mostly on her legs, but has a particularly bad one: two identical slash marks across her left shoulder blade, 6 inches long. She will never talk about them. Also, on her lower back, she has a tattoo of an earth brown dragon, with large wings.
Stengths- She is physically strong, and also has incredible leadership quality, though she now only speaks when it is needed to or feels strongly about something, and most don�t really argue with her.
Weaknesses- Hates men with a flaming passion, keeps almost everything inside.
Personality- Rie is a beauty, though it is wasted because of her hate for men. She is all around quiet. She used to be loud and constantly speak her mind, but she changed drastically after her beloved dragon betweened. Now she only speaks when she needs to, and rarely gets into actual conversations, though she is not completely silent. If she does speak her opinion, people usually listen, as she has an air of nobility and wisdom around her. She is very stand-offish and doesn�t like when a lot of people are around and also is not fond of loud noise. She loves forests, and goes on walks through them everyday.
History- Auriel was born in, and grew up in Bitra Hold, with her father, Fergish, and her older sister, Amira. Fergish always told his daughters, since they were old enough to talk, that their mother was a rotten wife (one of the reasons being she never bore him a son) and he always made it clear he wasnt satisfied with the two of them. So, Rie (Auriel's nick name, which was what everyone called her) grew up without a mother (who left because Fergish abused her, though both daughters never found this out) and an egotistical father, who always made sure she and her sister stayed in their place by making them work continuously. If they ever had the nerve to stop, he would yell at the two until their ears were ringing. One day, a dragonrider came down on a Search, and his dragon approved of both girls, but had an eerie fondness of Rie. A day after the two arrived at Igen Weyr, the eggs Hatched and Amira Impressed a green. Auriel Impressed nothing. Fergish was thrilled for his oldest daughter, dragonriders were only the best, but greens were the lowest class, and they were all females deserved in his eyes.
The next day, after the Hatching, the Senior Queen had a flight, putting another Clutch on the sands a few weeks later. About a month after the Clutching, the new eggs Hatched. This time, at age 14, Rie did Impress, but it was to no ordinary dragon. Her new lifemate was the strong and confident, brown Elorth.
She was the only female at Igen to ever Impress a brown, and no man took this fact willingly.
When Fergish found out, he immediatly disowned his youngest daughter, claiming he had no idea who she was, or that she was even alive. But Rie didnt mind this much, though Fergish was her only family besides Amira (who had stopped talking to her as well) Elorth was completely worth it. He was a beautiful deep, earth brown all over, with extra large wings, and had the most strong and loving personality that existed. Their bond was stronger than any in the Weyr.
But the dragonriders, especially the other brownriders and bronzeriders, didn�t want to accept this. No female had Impressed a brown, and they werent supposed to. They constantly picked on the two, as did their dragons, and life was incredibly hard for Rie and Elorth. They had no real friends, and took horrible criticism from everyone, and sometimes even got physically pushed around. Rie had been in more fights than all of the weyrbrats put together. But the two were a strong and inseparable pair, and they always fought back.
After 5 Turns of this continuous abuse (she never left Igen because she suspected every Weyr would treat her this way) Rie and Elorth were fit and had enough experience to be Wingleaders, though of course that would never be accepted.
One horrible day, at drill training, a bronzerider by the name of S'liz (who happened to be the Weyrleaders bestfriend) insulted Rie to the point of extremity. The two were both mounted on their dragons, and S'liz had shouted it across to her. Rie and ecspecially Elorth had fumed, and he nudged the bronze threateningly while in flight. S'liz took this as a challenge to fight, and a fight it became. The huge brown Elorth, with his rider on his back, fought the opposing bronze who had S'liz mounted as well. At one point the bronze took a swip at Rie (which became the two slash marks across her back) and it infuriated Elorth. The brown decided that this life was too dangerous for his rider, whom he loved dearly, and he roughly dismounted her. Rie fell to the ground, and landed in time to look up and see her beloved Elorth let out a deafening roar, bite the bronze on the neck, and drag him between with S'liz still on his back.
All three died. S'liz, his bronze, and Elorth.
Rie had been 19 then.
She had been rushed to the Infirmary, and drifted in and out of coma for a month, though no one seemed to care. When she finally woke, all practically despised her, she was being blamed by the Weyrleader for S'lizs death, and she despised herself as well. Elorth was gone. There was no longer a point to her life. A healer informed her later, when she was half asleep she had tried to kill herself, but she had not remembered it. Though everyone seemed to hate her, the healers continuously emphasized the fact that she was not to die.
Rie drifted through the Weyr, her heart black, constantly abused (most of the time verbally) and it began to take a toll on her, as if she had not gone through enough already. When she turned 21 she left Igen Weyr, to try her old home at Bitra.
That didn�t work well either. Everyone had heard some sort of story by then of what had happened, and the people either hated her (mostly men) or felt bad for her and pitied her (the woman, though some woman hated her as well)
Finally Rie heard from rumors that the Southern continent was more tolerant than the Northern, and the Weyrs there were new with few riders (meaning less dragons to remind her of her beloved Elorth) She decided she might try a life there. She could at least drift through the shadows there comfortably, instead of receiving horrid glares from all that passed by, though she had gone beyond caring.
After Rie turned 24, she decided she would finally leave Bitra, and heard of a rather peaceful place called Laprun Weyr...

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Elorth
Dragon's age- 5 Turns when he died
Color- Deep, earthy brown all over.
Age impressed- 14 Turns
Personality- He was strong and always confident. He loved his rider and died for her, and he always worked hard for her and with her. He was proud and did not tolerate others when they insulted him or his lifemate. His sacrifice showed how strong he really was, and how much he loved Rie.

Fosterer- No
Rank- Assistant Animal Caretaker
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