Name- Bane
Age- 18
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- High Reaches Weyr
Mother- Merelyn, dancer, 16 (deceased)
Father-  unknown, bronzerider
Siblings- none
Other relations- Foster mother, Drae,(deceased)
Children- none that he knows of
Skills- weaponry, archery, craftswork
Hair- Shaggy, dark brown hair that is a bit below his ears.
Eyes- Beautiful honey brown eyes that attract many.
Height- 6'1
Build- Muscular, yet skinny, it goes well with his height.
Complexion- Very lightly tanned.
Other- A tattoo of a gold dragon on the back of his right shoulder.
Strengths- Intelligence, quick wit, bravery.
Weaknesses- he is a womanizer and can be very seductive.
Personality- Bane has been with plenty of women, despite that his is only 18. He has played the part of the seductor plenty. Bane, however, has another side. The side that is smart, yet mischievous. The side that is courageous and mentally strong. It is actually this side that attracts women.
History- Bane was born to a young dancer, Merelyn who had become pregnant by her lover, a middle-aged bronzerider. The Bronzer left as soon as the news of her pregnancy came around to him. Merelyn died in childbirth, leaving Bane to be put to a fosterer.  As so, Bane was raised by Drae.
Bane learned much from Drae while growing up; he actually credits her for his intelligence. It was a strong blow to him when she died. Bane was only ten turns of age and has so far led a fairly happy life. He spent almost two months in mourning of her, but eventually moved on.
By the time Bane reached 15, he was already attracting women. He had always looked older than he actually was and that supposedly helped him.
Bane had it in his head to be a craftmaster, and had never stood at a hatching, or even thought twice of it, until a greenrider suggested it to him, and told Bane of a weyr she had heard of, Laprun. Bane decided that going to Laprun to stand at a hatching might turn out to be a rather good decision, and left for the weyr soon after.

Name- Drac
Species- flit
Gender- Male
Description- brown
Personality- Drac is a calmer flit, and would be content just to sit upon Bane's shoulders for an entire day. While he is not exactly energetic, he can have a more fun, mischievous side.

***Candidates Only***
Color Preference- bronze, brown, blue.
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