Age-19 turns
Sexual Preference-Heterosexual
Birth Place-Minor Hold in Igen
Mother-Casalda, watchrider, 45
Father-Banaldor, Holder, 56
Siblings-Overrun with half-siblings none of them important
Other relations-None
Hair-Jet black but with a bluish tint in the sunlight
Eyes-Brilliant blue which contrast with his hair
Height- 5�11�
Build-Little on the tubby side with little muscle
Complexion-Due to his life in Igen he has a beautiful tan
Other-Scar on left leg from a wild wherry
Strengths- Intelligence, discretion and pretence.
Weaknesses- Speech; he has a hypnotic dialect, is it real?
Personality- Calador is extremely intelligent but has learned to hide it behind feigned stupidity. Most people have only to listen to him for a few minutes and discover that he is stupid and no threat to them. His dialect is very colourful which also credits to his pretence. He uses his gift to learn things he shouldn�t. All though he does this, his true and close friends know he can keep a secret. 
History- He is the bastard son of a minor holder but couldn�t care less. He was born to the holds watchrider after she had a fling with the holder. He learned at an early age that intelligence draws attention so he invented his strange drawl thus making people think he was stupid. He had few friends in the hold and they were all in on his little scam. His friends and Calador learned that they could find out a lot of information using his feigned stupidity. He was found out the day before the searchriders found him and was due to be kicked out of the hold. But instead was chosen as a candidate for the upcoming clutch.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Lamth
Dragon's age- 1
Color- Bronze with brown undertones. He is a drop dead gorgeous bronze making even golds smitten. A light shade of bronze reflecting on his underside.
Age impressed- 19
Personality- Lean and musular. He is big for a bronze with a wide wingspan. He makes dry jokes (bad jokes). Also good with the females and is never flustered or uncomfortable around strangers and is willing to know them better.
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