Sexual Preference-girls
Birth Place- Unknown- his mother is a Raider
Rank- Candidate
Mother- Maira, Raider, 35
Father- Faton, former holder, dead
Siblings- Keti, Raider, 10
Other relations- none that he knows of; his father never showed him to anyone nor his mother.
Skills-Celict can dance, but won't often as most people see it as a thing for female dancers to do.
Hair- Sandy blonde and very smooth.
Eyes- Green eyes that draw the attention of anyone near.
Height-Short, but you can tell he's about to explode in height soon
Build- Small and slender. He knows that when he grows he will be tall and lanky.
Complexion-pale in the winter, tan in the summer
Other- He has lots of scars across his back from where his father used to beat him.
Strengths-Reading between the lines and comforting people
Weaknesses- He cringes whenever he sees raider people coming; he gets out of the way and fast. When people threaten others, even jokingly, he takes this seriously, and puts them in their place in his quiet but strong manner.
Personality-He has a baby face, but those who know him look past it. He's very quiet and sensible and sees past the masks people often put on themselves. Celict's also the type of person to be put under pressure for a long time and then finally explode in full force.
History- His father, Faton, was a sick and evil man. He was a Holder, a drunk, and a cheater and a thief, but clever as to never get caught. He raped Maira and she fled, leaving Celict and hating him for his deformed ankle. The ankle could be easily corrected but Faton was a penny-pincher and never so much as thought to send for a healer. He beat Celict into doing what he wanted to with his worn leather belt. Roxia (she's coming later) was his friend for a time but his father took that away from him too. He got sick of it one day, yelled at his father, took his belt, and ran just as his mother had. He spent a few nights at a pious healer's house who reset his ankle. One day he chanced upon a Raiding party and found his mother, who still shunned him because of all the memories he brought. She had had a daughter, Keti, younger than him and much more favored. If Celict so much as sneezed, Maira would glare at him. But if Keti did, she would giggle (Oh you sneeze so prettily, dear!) and hand her a hanky. Keti felt sorry for him and ashamed of her mother's behavior, and saved him from exploding on everyone and getting himself kicked out several times. One day, he did, when Keti was not around. He did get thrown out, and was found out in the snow by Y'wel during his sweep ride and brought to Laprun.

***Candidates Only***
Color Preference- Bronze would be good (could settle for a brown), and he doesn�t want to be stuck with a green.
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