Name- Corvi
Age- 23
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Fort Hold
Mother- Yatiri; dancer; 40
Father- Dagot; harper; dead
Siblings- Sitiri; sister
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- none
Skills- Dancing and singing for the harper wjen he has had too much wine.
Hair- Bright blonde. It's always down when she dances; she thinks it looks dramatic, but is in a loose braid at all other times.
Eyes- Deep green and brown
Height- 5'4"
Build- Thin and delicate, but with muscles that every dancer needs.
Complexion- pale
Other- none
Stengths- She can fill in for a harper if they get too drunk; she knows all the basic ballads and can play the flute if need be, because her father taught her the tricks of the trade
Weaknesses- She is a slave to caring what people think, and will not do anything to make others' opinions bad
Personality- Quiet but fprceful. She holds many fancies, but cares toom uch about what people think to do anything about them. She loves the drama of dancing, and she has special attachments to animals, even thought the runnerbeasts she encountered are too stupid to be friends with anyone. She loves to dress nicely in expensive clothes because it gives her a sense of purpose
History- Her father commited suicide after Yatiri ran off with a dragonrider. Corvi ran away because she hated the memories at Fort Hold, and set out to find another home. She found laprun Weyr, made many friends there, and didn't want to leave.

Rank- Dancer

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