Name- D�mel
Age- 26 turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth place- Small Hold looking to Telgar Hold
Mother- Deren, Holder, 46
Father- Lermel, Holder, 47
Siblings- 2 brothers and a sister
Other Relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- None
Skills- Leadership and sword fighting
Hair- Brown with sun streaked blond 
Eyes- Deep rich brown.
Height- 6'3"
Build- Bit podgy and a bit muscled
Complexion- Light even tan
Other- Weird necklace
Strengths- Loyalty, leadership and diplomacy
Weaknesses- He is very impatient
Personality- D�mel is friendly and always up for a good laugh even if it is at the expense of others. He has had a rich upbringing and is a bit snobbish which might lose him some friends at Laprun Weyr. He never socialized with others lower in rank than him and has had quite a sheltered upbringing. He loves music and dancing and is very popular with the ladies, even if he can�t hold down a relationship for long.  

History- Before being searched D�mel went by the name Dermel and was the next inline for his father�s Hold. As it seemed that Dermel would be the next Holder, Lermel ignored his younger children leaving his wife to care for them. Lermel had been quite the swordsman in his day and taught Dermel everything he knew. He raised him as a Holder�s son, he only allowed him friends of his rank or just under. When the searchriders came to the Hold Lermel hid his oldest son. The riders were angry and the leader of the wing threatened action but Lermel quickly removed the 19 turn old boy from the little hiding place. Dermel was pleased at being able to go to the Weyr but was also unhappy at having to leave his Hold. When he arrived at the glittering Telgar Weyr he could hardly believe his eyes the largest place he had ever been had been Telgar Hold. But this was just amazing, he was speechless all thoughts of his former home were immediately banished. The sevendays came and went and then all the training he had to do to be able to stand and impress wasn�t in vain. He stood there with the other candidates as the great gold at the back hissed at them the eggs were rocking backwards and forwards. Then it seemed that all at once the eggs cracked and out popped glistening bodies. The dragonets waddled with some difficulty slashing at unacceptable candidates and butting their heads against those acceptable ones. He thought he was going home without a dragon as he turned and walked away and wet muzzle nudged his hand. He looked at the little dragon and stared into the eyes. It seemed like hours but was only a couple of minutes. D�mel, for he was no longer Dermel walked proudly with the brown dragon at his side. 7 turns later and D�mel was getting tired by having to run sweeps of his former hold so applied for transfer to the furthest Weyr.

Description- Dernie is a green flit who was given to him as a present from his father. She is a light green which turns really dark and golden when she rises.
Personality- She loves to have her owner oil her on a hot day which at Laprun would be almost everyday.

Dragon's name- Goteth
Dragon's age- 7 turns
Color- Even deep brown along all his body
Age impressed- 19
Personality-He is very lazy and could probably bore anyone but his rider to
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