Name- Eralian (Lian)
Age- 19
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Ista Weyr
Mother- Magan; drudge; 41
Father-  F�sk; bronzerider; 48
Siblings- none
Other relations- K�ne; bronzerider; healer friend
Weyrmate/Lover- N�ron; bronzerider; 26
Children- none
Skills- harping, singing, playing, dancing (music in general), knowledge
Hair- long black hair that falls heavily past the waist; wavy and silky
Eyes- deep sapphire eyes that give her face a look of deep understanding, almost like they know your deepest secret that frightens most people.
Height- about 5�6�
Build- very slender and graceful
Complexion- a slight tan that brings out her eyes
Other- many scars over her arms, legs and torso. Also, a long, pale scar right below her eye. She wears normal dragonrider clothing; only most of her tunics have long flowing sleeves to hide their scars.
Strengths- very elegant and beautiful, she dances like the wind and her songs can charm wood, she is also very quick witted and intelligent
Weaknesses- pretends to have no emotion, pretends not to care about things other people love, and what she loves. She can seem heartless to those who do not know what goes on behind those deep eyes.
Personality- Loves everything about music. It is the one thing that she can truly be free doing and express herself. She also loves to read because of the quiet and peace it brings her to jump into another mind and be happy. Because of her past and current situation she is very close mouthed, and never lets her emotions show except through her eyes. She can seem very heartless and emotionless but that is because all the emotions she has ever given out have been returned with hatred and pain.
History- Born to a candidate for a hatching, Eralian, was a mistake. Her mother was expected to impress the gold of the Hatching, and this drew many bronzeriders. The one that caught her mother�s heart was F�sk, a smart and ambitious rider. It was soon discovered before the Hatching that she was pregnant with F�sk�s baby. Magan couldn�t bring herself to tell F�sk about the baby until after the Hatching. So at the Hatching when the gold appeared she slashed Magan out of the way. Magan never impressed and got up the nerve to tell F�sk. He was furious, for he had never loved Magan. Magan almost died in the birth, and Eralian was very sickly.
With the prospect of flying a queen gone, F�sk took out his anger on Eralian and her mother. Soon it turned only into abuse of Lian. Magan could not stop F�sk because it was her word, a drudge�s word, against a very well respected bronzerider. Lian hid in the Library reading scrolls and books full of adventure. Since her father�s punishments became more and more severe with every turn, Lian spent a lot of time in the infirmary. This is where she met Kene, a healer who took care of her many wounds. Kene noticed Lian�s natural elegance and skill when singing the old songs and ballads and told the Head Harper. Lian soon found herself a skilled dancer, singer and player, and a candidate for the next Hatching.
When Lian impressed the emerald Nalanith she felt everything was going her way. She was educated, and a dragonrider, free from her father�s clutches. But it didn�t last long. Lian fell in love, or maybe, was forced into love, with a bronzerider, N�ron. N�ron was a handsome rider and was thoroughly smitten with Lian. She was beautiful and elegant, and very sensual. Being a weyrling, Lian was hesitant about N�ron attractions and whether to entertain them or not. Regretfully, she chose to allow N�ron into her life, and before she was 17 she was in a full fledge relationship, but not by her own free will. N�ron, who required full domination wouldn�t allow Lian to be without him, afraid others would be attracted to her. He beat her almost as severly as her father had her mother. Lian could never get away, she was entangled. When N�ron told her he was transferring to Laprun, she was sure she was free. Then she found out she was going with him.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Nalanth
Dragon's age- 4 turns
Color- Emerald Green
Age impressed- 15
Personality- Very sophisticated and smart. She is as elegant as her rider and as beautiful. She doesn�t approve of N�ron or his lifemate and hopes that when she takes flight she will beable to have a suitable rider and their dragon catch her and save Lian.
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