Name- F'koren
Age- 20 Turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- High Reaches Weyr
Mother- Stellina, Blue Rider, deceased
Father- T'nof, Brown Rider, deceased
Siblings- Cecorna, 16 turns
Other relations- K'Losen, Uncle, Bronzerider, grew up with him when parents died
Weyrmate/Lover- greenrider Cyri, but she died
Children- none yet
Skills- weaponry
Hair- Jet Black, kept very short and trimmed.
Eyes- Black
Height- 5'11
Build- skinny, yet muscular.
Complexion- naturally tanned, yet somewhat pale.
Other- A scar just under his right eye and a black earring in his left ear.
Strengths- Loyalty, intelligence, deep thinker.
Weaknesses- Skittish around anyone he doesn't know well.
Personality- F'koren is a very quiet and distant individual. He can be depressing at times, and many people find him incredibly strange and thus he does not have many friends. F'koren used to be a fairly upbeat person unitl at the age of 10 in late sping, he witnessed his Father's sucide after his dragon died. F'koren did not speak to anyone for months, and once he started speaking again he did not say much. F'koren became vaguely attatched to society and once he came back he was a changed man.
History- F'koren grew up in the High Reaches Weyr. His mother died when he was rather young, so he never really knew her. His Father was also his best friend, and he took it as a personal insult when his Father Commited suicide after his dragon had been badly scored and died. At 15 turns, impressed a Brown, and had a new best friend. At 20 turns,his uncle heard of Laprun Weyr and thought it would be best for F'koren to be in a new environment away from where his parents deaths occured.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Ashylnth
Dragon's age- 5 Turns
Description- So dark brown he is almost black. He is very small for a Brown, but yet is very strong and muscular.
Age impressed- 15 Turns
Personality- Extremly nice to those he trusts but is also very quiet when he feels uncomfortable or threatened in anyway. Skittish around basically all humans except F'koren.
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