Name- Garett
Age- 25
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Ladies
Birth Place- High Reaches
Mother- Yati; greenrider; 50
Father- Machi; miner; 52
Siblings- Mati; blue weyrling; 19; J'vin; 27; brownrider
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- none
Skills- Healing and understanding people.
Hair- Golden-brown that looks golden when it catches light.
Eyes- Golden, like a lion's eyes.
Height- 5 ft. 8; not extremely tall but not on the short side either.
Build- Slightly fragile and boyish.
Complexion- Tan with a few freckles
Other- He has a scar across his back from the mine collapse, when a piece of rock grazed his back as he was running out.
Strengths- Healing and understanding other people; reading between the lines.
Weaknesses- He can be a little too friendly sometimes with people that need to be told off and he gets a headachy and impatient with the clingy type of people.
Personality- He's the bouncy type that's always cheerful and looking on the positive side, and is always telling a joke or winking at someone. Garett tries to be helpful with everything he can and is always looking out for someone. He likes to do anything he can to a person in need, and is very tactful when something rude needs to be said to someone. Garett is very secure with him and thinks everyone's his friend.
History- (this would be one of my few personas without much tragedy) He basically grew up in a mine, learning to work there and learned all the rocks and minerals and how to cut each. After the mine collapsed and he and his father escaped with their lives, Garett helped tend the injured miners. He found that this was his thing, helping people in distress and understanding others, so he set off to be a master in healing and passed with flying colors. As soon as he passed, he left High Reaches and decided to help other people in the world.

Rank- Masterhealer
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