Name- J'rob
Age- 26 turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Sea cothold on Ista Island
Mother- Leelan; cotholder; 53 turns
Father- Diron; cotholder; 56 turns
Siblings-Delan; masterfisher; 30 turns
Other relations- Cousin T'kil; brownrider; 27 turns
Weyrmate/Lover- Bluerider Sabri
Children- None
Skills- Fishercraft journeyman
Hair- Red, spiked up, 4 inches
Eyes- Brown, oval
Height- 6'4"
Build- Muscular
Complexion- Fair, freckled
Other- Threadscore on the left arm
Strengths- Fishing, fighting Thread, sense of humor
Weaknesses- cooking, weaving
Personality- J'rob is a kind hearted young man, but somehow manages to get in trouble. the mischief he finds himself in almost everyday is just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's always ready for a good laugh, and has a talent for picking your pocket. So keep an eye on your purse and any other valuable items on your body, whenever J'rob is around. Loves to gamble and can win 9/10 times at dragon poker.
History- J'rob was born and raised a fisherman's son on a sea cothold on the island of Ista. When his father, Diron heard that riders were coming to Ista Hold on Search, he made sure to send J'rob to be there. J'rob was ecstatic to be given the chance to be a dragonrider, it had been his lifelong dream to become an honored dragonrider his father brought him fastest runner he could afford and sent J'rob on his way to the Hold. He was found acceptable and taken to High Reaches a-dragonback. At the next hatching, he impressed bronze Mortath and transferred to Laprun after a nasty accident fighting Thread, which left two horrifically injured with their dragons out for months.

Name- Pip
Species- Gold Firelizard
Gender- Female
Description- Nice metallic gold.
Personality- She is always scolding the bronze Zip.

Name- Zip
Species- Bronze Firelizard
Gender- Male
Description- Nice bronze color.
Personality- He is always zipping around.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Mortath
Dragon's age- 9 turn
Color- Bronze
Age impressed- 17
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