Name- Jade
Age- 21
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Telgar Weyr
Mother- Zala, greenrider, 45
Father- M�nel, brownrider, 47
Siblings- L�mal, bluerider, 25 ; M�zal, brownrider, 18 ; Lenia, candidate, 16
Other relations- she is a cousin from Jelena, bluerider of Trixanth
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- none
Skills- she is good with children ands loves to sing
Hair- Middle blonde, wavy, flows down half her back
Eyes- big and jade colored, her eyes gave her name when she was born
Height- she is a bit on the small side, but not extremely short
Build- slender
Complexion- white, slightly tanned
Other- she has a birthmark in the shape of a heart  on her upper right  arm
Strengths- she can express her feelings well, and is very protective of the ones she loves and smaller children.
Weaknesses- she can be to forgiving and has a sometimes unjustified faith in the good will of others
Personality- Jade has a sunny, loving personality, and her big jade colored eyes from which she thanks her name make clear that she is honest and fair. She easily forgives if someone regrets their actions, but can be to forgiving sometimes. She looks good, and though she had had quite some attention from the male riders at Telgar, it doesn�t get to her head. Actually it doesn�t get to her at all, she seems oblivious to it. She sometimes seems a mystery when she is deep in thoughts, and can hide her feelings well from other people. She isn�t always happy, and can be depressive to, but it doesn�t show much. Jade tries to love everybody, no matter what there background or personality is, that does get her in nasty situations sometimes.
History- Jade was born to a green and a brown rider at Telgar Weyr, and lived the normal weyrbrat life. She was expected to impress, like her two older brothers. She didn�t at her first hatching, and as devastated she was by that; she still remained loving towards the outside world, although she was a bit depressive at that time. Then, when she stood for the second time at Telgar Weyr, she impressed green Telianth. The bond with her just impressed dragonet changed Jade�s depressive mood to one of joy, and explained to her why she didn�t impress at her first hatching: she was meant for Telianth. When she finished her years as a Weyrling and had fought thread at Telgar she heard of the daughter of her mother�s sister impress at Laprun Weyr, and decided that a change of scene would be nice. So she moved to Laprun, to reunite with her cousin Jelena, and in the hope to get some relief from the crowded life she had at Telgar.

Name- Kaily
Species- Firelizard
Gender- Female
Description- Green
Personality- A loyal green flit, and very curious. Kaily can be expected to be in front line when something happens. She often has a lot to tell her owner, but when she gets excited, no one can make sense of her enthusiastic chirps. She loves Telianth, and the dragon loves the little flit as well.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Telianth
Dragon's age- 5
Color- Green
Age impressed- 16
Personality- Telianth can be sometimes be overdramatic. She has the urge to make other dragons feel guilty for something silly. She always gives Jade long lectures about things like true love and destiny. Telianth is a small, but elegant green. Her color looks a lot like that of Jade�s eyes. Telianth is a pretty dragon and other dragons certainly notice her, well proportioned and elegant as she is. In Threadfight she loves to chase around after Thread, she thinks there is no excuse to be lazy in Threadfall. She�s best at flaming in short bursts, but has wide range.
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