Name- Jontor
Age- 29 Turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Harperhall
Mother- Tinor; Harper; 45
Father- Jonton; Mastersinger; 48
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- none
Skills- Harper Master
Hair- Loose, blonde like his mother, 18"
Eyes- a deep swimming hazel colour
Height- 5' 10"
Build- little pudgy but strong arms from playing all those instruments.
Complexion- pale but tans easily
Other- always has a mini set of pipes around his neck
Strengths- Singing, writing, reading, loyalty
Weaknesses- Bit of a flirt but stubborn
Personality- Jontor is always up for a good sing along and loves to recite old ballads and teaching songs. As a harper he knows a lot about what's happening around him. The only thing he doesn't like is cats as he's allergic to them. Always ready to offer reassurance to anyone around who looks worried or upset. He is one of these people who you can become friends with an instant.
History- Jontor was born in Harperhall where he was raised by his mother and father in the proper way a harper should be raised in. When he was ten he found a clutchof flit eggs and picked one up to show his father when he was running back to the hall the egg cracked and out hatched a blue flit. Jantor fed it with his lunch and soon the creeling flit was asleep in the crook of his arm. When he was sixteen he sowed signs of becoming a great harper, so his father had him apprenticed, within a couple of years he achieved his journeyman's knot. When he was 25 he bacame a master. He was delighted when the Masterharper himself asked him to go to Laprun and gladly accepted.

Name- Tally
Species- Firelizard
Gender- Male
Description- Tally's colour goes from the dark blue (his nose) to light blue (his tail)
Personality- Tally is a well behaved blue who is more intelligent than most blues and is always striving to impress his master

Rank- Harper
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