Sexual Preference-Bisexual
Birth Place- Nerat
Mother-Kei , cot holder's daughter, 35
Father-Unknown (suspected to be a traveling dragonrider)
Other relations- Zinks, watches out for her/ like a brother, 19
Skills- master with weapons: extremely skilled with two thin bladed short swords, master at most street weapons
Hair- 4 inch long jet black hair that never sits straight, always spiked in all direction
Eyes- honey brown with darker brown flecks
Height-5' 10
Build- extremely muscular and lithe
Complexion- tanned
Other- assorted scars across her knuckles, one scar that run through her eyebrow, over her eye and an inch below it: livid red
Strengths- incredibly accomplished fighter, very good at sneaking around
Weaknesses- mistrust of people
Personality- Kendra is wary of most people and violently hates her parents. She has a vengeful temper and doesn't show it until it is too late.
Her "older brother" Zinks is the only one who can really decipher her mood.
History-Kendra was born to her mother when Kei was still only eighteen. Kei's father was so ashamed that he smuggled her child, Kendra, to another nearby cothold. Kendra grew up with the riff- raff of the hold and when she was five she picked up Zinks, her protector. Together the two of them terrorized the children of the hold and fended off rival groups.
Over a few years their skills grew beyond those of any other brats in the cot hold. When she was 12, Kendra learned for her heritage and went to see her mother. Kei was thirty and happily married and denied Kendra as her daughter. Kendra fled dejected. She ran from the hold with only her best knives that she kept wit her at all times. She traveled across the coast to Half Cirlce. Zinks followed a few days later and the two of them slipped out of the hold. For four years Zinks and Kendra lived holdless. They terrorized travelers but only stole from weyr tithe trains. After four years of missing produce and supplies Igen Weyr had gotten rather aggravated. Zinks and Kendra were searched out and brought to Igen, but not without a fight. A few dragonriders will have scars from her capture. The two of them were placed in a deserted weyr while the weyrleaders decided what to do. A guard was posted at the entrance and the dragon drop off was too far off the ground for a safe escape. The weyrleader shoved her off onto Southern but the devious weyr sent Kendra to Laprun to cause chaos and trouble. But who ever said Kendra would consent?

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Cadaeseth
Dragon's age- 1
Color-At a glance she looks like a muddy marsh green but with a second, more careful look you see a dazzling jade color beneath the surface.
Age impressed- 18 Turns
Personality- The green is extremly small, almost five feet shorter in length than her clutchmates, but none the less elegant. Cadaeseth is cryptic, slightly vicious at times, and is very possessive of Hers.
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