Name- Kira
Age- 17 Turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Bisexual
Birth Place- Igen Weyr
Mother- Quinka, drudge, deceased
Father- D'veen, deceased, bronzerider
Siblings- Karina, 20 Turns, Goldrider at Benden Weyr; Deena, deceased
Other relations- None
Weyrmate/Lover- Many.... but no one special
Children- none yet
Skills- Professional Dancer, Seduction, Expert with any type of blade
Hair- Her hair is long, a little less than halfway down her back. In color its a dark chocolate brown, all over. It's thick and all in spiral curls, that fall over her shoulders making her even harder to resist. Towards the front some of the strands are cut shorter, about to her chin, so frequently some curled locks with fall over her eyes.
Eyes- Graceful, and very determined looking, though she disguise that determination when she is working to look very dreamy. In color they are crystal-like gray blue. They look deep and powerful. She has long eyelashes, and dark, gracefully arched eyebrows. She has a way of looking up through her lashes that can get any man drooling.
Height- 5' 6"
Build- Attractive curves, and very toned feminine muscles, with a rather 'gifted' chest, and dancer's hips.
Complexion- Even tanned
Other- A belly button ring, usually a gray crystal with a silver ball. Also, a large tattoo on the small of her back of an ornate thirteen point star, and another tattoo of a dragon wrapped around her left calf. Both tattoos are black. A few scars here and there.                                 Strengths- Very Seductive and Manipulitive, Very strong, Common sense, Thinks everything out.
Weaknesses- No longer beleives in true love, and manipulates men for her own pleasure and purposes.
Personality- Kira is a very powerful, and confident person, she knows her abilities, and is always sure of herself. She knows how to get things done fast and effectively. She loves manipulating men, and having them do whatever she wishes. She also has a great sense of humour, and has a dazzleing white smile that she uses only when its necissary. Kira likes causing trouble for other woman when she is bored by playing with their men, which she finds amusing. She rarely makes friends, and doesnt stick to one thing for long.                                                         History- Kira was born to a Bronzerider and a Drudge, who claimed to be in love. They had three daughters together, all of which were beauties, but in very different ways. Kira was the strong one of the three, though the youngest, always determined to do her best at everything. At first, Kira lived well, but soon her family life would crumble. One day Kira's mother caught her father in bed with another woman. That was the first event that began the transformation of Kira. She never really forgot what happened betweened her parents, the two had separated, and a few months after that D'veen died in a Thread accident. No one in the family acknowledged the death, ecspecially Kira, whom ignored it completly. Then, the man her older sister Karina had been seeing for two Turns, Transfered out of Igen without so much as hinting about it to her. After she Impressed a Queen he reappeared and came crawiling back to her. Kira saw the whole thing, and it disguested her. She had known this man well. Deena, her second sister was the next to go and most tragic of them all. She was working in a Tavern, only as a server, and a drunk bronzerider raped her brutally. Deena, the quietest and weakest of the sisters, was distaught after the event and killed herself. Kira promised herself that she would never become as weak as the woman in her family, whom she had watched deteriorate before her eyes. Her mother soon died of sickness, and Kira soon left raging at her sister about how she had let that power hungry man back in her life even though he had left her before. As far as she was concerned she had no more family. She devoted every single day and night of the next three Turns to Dancing and manipulating men. She delighted in controlling what had killed off her family. She soon decided she would take up the blade as well. She practiced her skills and techniques in dancing and defence until she reached utter perfection in both activities. In time,  many men had spread the word of her highly skilled seductive dances, and she was soon being hired for big parties and gatherings...
***Candidates Only***
Color Preference- Brown... maybe Blue?
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