Name- Lenna
Age- 16 turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Prefrence- Heterosexual
Birth Place- One of the Sea cotholds looking to Laprun Weyr
Mother Danna; cotholder; 36
Father- Ledor; cotholder; 39 turns
Siblings- None
Other Relations- Aunt; Ledora; weaver; 41 turns
Weyrmate/Lover- None
Children- None
Skills- Weaving and fishing
Hair- Blonde, loose, 12"
Eyes- Blur, round
Height- 5'4"
Build- light
Complexion- tanned, soft
Other- scar on left hand
Strengths- Fishing, weaving, cooking, and talking to firelizards
Weaknesses- Singing and reading
Personality-Lenna is a very shy young woman . She can talk to people of her own age but can't talk to older or more important people. She doesn't have much confidence in herself. She loves talking to her brown firelizard. She has an annoying habit of chewing the end of her hair.
History- Lenna was born and raised in a sea cothold near Laprun Weyr. She lived with her mother, father and aunt where she learned to fish, cook and weave. She impressed Squawker when she was ten turns old and has since discovered a skill to be able to understand all firelizards in her family's cothold. She was persuaded to present herself ad a candidate for the next clutch.

Name- Squawker
Species- Firelizard
Gender- Male
Description- Squawker is a brown firelizard
Personality- He is very affectionate and comforting. When he wants something he'll just squawk.
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