Sexual Preference-Heterosexual
Birth Place-Southern Weyr
Mother- (name, rank, age)Navina; Drudge; 67
Father- F'dic-Bronzerider-49
Siblings- none
Other relations- Cintra; 23-second cousin; Jr.Weyrwoman
Skills-plays the guitar
Hair-black as night
Eyes- nicely set/dark brown
Build- tall and lean
Complexion- slightly tanned
Other- Earring in one ear

Strengths-quick learner
Weaknesses-tends to stick to the shadows
Personality-Lithan is not what you would call a sunny person. He is solemn and tends to stick to the shadows. He is easily overlooked or missed despite his height. The only thin that might draw your attention is his fair of firelizards. Lithan has an incredibly bright mind but retains all he knows and keeps it to himself.
History- Lithan birth was uneventful and his life was rather uneventful too until he stumbled on a clutch of wild firelizards that had just hatched. There was no food in sight and they had begun to go cannibalistic but Lithan managed to save five with some of the goodies he had stored in his pack. After this it was hard to stay ignored so he taught his flits stealth and discretion. But it was only a while until his bright mind caught the eye of the harper at southern, who began to teach him a little of the guitar. The harper wanted him to go to the harper hall but on the day he was going to leave and blue dragon searched him out a brought him to Laprun.

Description- Green
Personality-prefers to scrub dragons and snatch food than hanging around with his pet but often tends to sleep on his feet at night

Description- Blue
Personality-loyal to his pet but he tends to stray to greens and golds in flight more and more as he has grown

Description- Green
Personality-Tai is one of the loyal trio that accompanies Lithan constantly. She unlike most air-headed greens has a good amount of sense and enjoys solving problems among lesser flits.

Description- Brown
Personality-Lark is the second of Lithan's loyal trio he always perches on his left shoulder when it is not occupied but Faui of Tai. He is also the most reliable of Lithan's five and is often the one sent with messages.

Description- Bronze
Personality-Faui is the head-honcho of Laithan's fair. HE keeps all the other flits under control and tends to always fly the two greens. Faui never leaves his pet unless asked by him for urgent reasons. He matches any Gold with intelligence and love of his pet.

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Color Preference- Brown-Blue-Bronze-Green
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