~Sr. Weyrwoman~ 

Name- Maren
Age- 23 turns
Gender- female
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Ista Weyr
Mother- Delancey; deceases; Weyrwoman
Father- C'mghan; 50; Bronzerider
Skills- Healing
Hair- about shoulder lenght; wavy  coppered colored
Eyes- deep emerald green that often makes onlookers uncomfortable.
Height- 5'6''
Build- slender and muscular
Complextion- tan
Other- a long thin scar on her right cheek from a knife skirmish with another weyrbrat.
Stengths- loyalty, intelligence, quick wit
Weaknesses- temper
Personality- She is very smart and quick. She loves books. But she hanged around a tough crowd when she was younger. She acts more like a boy, and isn't very feminie despit her looks, wearing plain tourser, boots, and tunic.
History- Maren was born at Ista Weyr to the head Weyrwoman. She was the result of a flight, but many loved her because of her mother, who was very beautiful and smart. It was said she looked just like her mother. Her father was the Weyrleader, but wasn't envolved with Maren's upbringing. In stead of putting Maren to a foster mother like most Weyrwoman, her mother raised her herself. Her mother and she were the typical mother and daughter pair. Maren learned to love books like her mother. Then one day... when Maren was twelver turns old her mother fell fatally ill. The Weyr  went up in a panic. The Weyrwoman couldn't die... it would mean that her Gold would go
between. They tried everything... but notheing worked. She soon died and her queen suicides between. It was the worst time in Maren's life. People somehow forgot about her. She sunk from being the Weyrwoman's daughter to a lowly parentless weyrbrat. Soon she became a prankster, and got in fights. She and some others used to have violent competitions that would end painfully.
Soon after, people in the Weyr classified her as a drudge. Her father stayed silent. Then when she was seventeen he had her searched. He kneww she had the same potential as her mother even if the others didn't think so. On the day of the hatching everyone waited in silence fo rthe Goldto hatch and impress. When Elarath hatched, the impression was immediate. Maren relized her responsibility as a Goldrider and tried to learn as much as she could. He reputation for being strong willed and intelligent was well known and soon she was invited to help run Laprun Weyr with Cintra.

Name- Fen
Species- Bronze Firelizard
Gender- Male
Description- A very shiney. and eyecatching bronze. Juts the right mix between green and gold, the example of a flawless bronze.
Personality- Very coragous, and brave. He loves to do tasks that Maren sends him on, and is very proud when he completes them successfully. He has a little ego, and like attention from females, but he perfers Golds.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Elarath
Dragon's age- 6 Turns
Color- A very beautiful, bright gold all over her hide. She is a bit smaller than an average gold, but her beauty and grace make up for it.
Age impressed- 16
Personality- Elarath has a strong mind, like her rider. She is very intelligent, and full of common sense, being very sensible. She does not enjoy when males try to impress her, or crowd around her. Elarath also is very regal. Though she is slightly smaller, she has an air of nobility about her which is so strong that it will surprise many folk.
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