Name- Q�lan
Age- 28 turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Harper crafthall
Mother- Caley; Journeywoman Harper; 56
Father- Nuri; Singing Master; 60
Siblings- Jendyose; 32; Journeywoman Harper
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- Delani; Greenrider; Liaxth
Children- Declan; son; 2 Turns
Skills- Harping, archery, sword
Hair- a deep red almost brown color that grows gracefully back
Eyes- Light grey eyes like a storm, they look like you could see through them. They give a very startling effect on his face because of his dark complexion and hair
Height- 6�1�
Build- strong and powerful
Complexion- very tan and rugged
Other- a silver necklace with a precious gray crystal that is the same color of his eyes shaped like a dragon
Strengths- He is very �down to earth�, he has a sharp temper that can scare almost anyone. He is very gentle and has a bizarre knowledge of what people want. He is a great friend to everyone, even children.
Weaknesses- Hates his good looks because people like him more for it then his mind. His temper can get out of control sometimes, so that combined with his strength can be a bit over whelming.
Personality- He loves being outside and can�t stand being in a stuffy weyr all day. He can be very competitive, but only when there is a known competition. He is very playful and fun loving, always looking forward to making people laugh. He was raised with is family and looks forward to having one of his own.
History- Born at Harperhall to a Journeywoman and Master, his parents had always wanted to have a big family and had rejoiced at the birth of his sister before him. But they found that his mother was having problem getting pregnant and keeping the baby alive. So Q�lan was born into a loving family. His mother had no more children so they decided not to give him to a fosterer. He grew up loving life and its gifts. He was a very happy child. He was the conversation of many for his unusual (but good) looks and ability to make friends. He wanted to be a Harper so did all he could to be one. He and his sister were what his parents had always hoped for and were very proud. One day when he was 16 his father was invited to a Hatching. Nuri decided to take his son along. As the last of the eggs were hatching the last bronze poked out his head and squawked to the stands. Quilan began to feel a sensation in his mind and tried to get rid of it, but couldn�t. ((Mine!)) The thing yelled to the curious looking Harper boy. Quilan couldn�t help it any longer. He ran down to the bronze his Impression to

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Tanketh
Dragon's age- 12 turns
Color- Bronze
Age impressed- 16 turns
Personality- Has an air of extreme nobility and intelligence about his, even though he is as kind and fun loving as his rider. He is often the one that calms Q�lan�s temper down.
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