Name- R'kan (Formerly Rukan)
Age- 26 turns.
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- High Reaches Weyr
Mother- Sela; greenrider; 58 turns
Father- R'ten; bluerider; 65 turns (deceased due to threadscore))
Other relations- Cousin- T'ran; bronzerider at Ista; 29 turns
Weyrmate/Lover- None
Children- None
Skills- Woodcraft (carvings and such)
Hair- Dark brown hair that he keeps cut short
Eyes- Rounded eyes, a brownish/gold color
Height- 6' 2"
Build- Muscular, but lean.
Complexion- Tan with freckles.
Other- (Scars)-on the back of his right leg he has a thin set of slashes from an injury he got while in weyrling training. (Tattoos)-On his collarbone he has a small tattoo of a dragon and the dragon's tail curls down to his chest.
Strengths- He's levelheaded during times of a crisis because he thinks things out before speaking.
Weaknesses- R'kan is mute (unable to speak) (since birth)
Personality- Since R'kan is unable to speak, he sometimes feels as if he's left out or discouraged from being around others. He'll stick to himself, and he'll rarely speak due to the fact that most people don't answer back anyways. He's pleasant to those who are nice to him, and he doesn't really get affected by people giving him weird looks anymore.
History- Born to a pair of dragonriders at High Reaches, he was the product of a greenflight. His mother, being a dragonrider, was expected to foster the child off to the creche, but she didn't. Balancing the duties of motherhood and of being a dragonrider was tricky, but Sala managed to pull it off somehow. From the time he should have been able to speak his mother noticed that something was wrong with her son. At first it was just thought that he was a slow developer, but by the time he was two turns of age it had become apparent that he couldn't talk. The healers at High Reaches had no way to explain it, so it just got left alone. He grew up a pretty normal child, despite the fact that he had no way to communicate with anyone besides written words or crude hand motions, playing with the others his age, getting into trouble, you know the sort. Rukan was always perceived as the cute and innocent one who couldn't be the cause of the disturbance because he was mute. When he reached 12 turns of age, he was asked if he'd like to try to Impress a firelizard from a clutch recently laid by a gold. He figured that he'd never be able to impress a dragon because of his disability, so he agreed. He sat next to a egg that he was given and carefully watched it, keeping a fresh stash of meatrolls nearby in case it hatched. And it did, with it came a small brown firelizard that he promptly named Renegade. The little brown flit was instantly useful in conveying his thoughts to others, and the young Rukan began to become more outwards in his socialization and his life. He was happier, and much more willing to be around others. He never was chosen to be a candidate due to his muteness, but he always attended the Hatchings at High Reaches with the ever playful Renegade in tow. The biggest surprise of them all came when he was 18 turns of age. He was sitting in the stands, near the front when a large brown dragonet, still covered in sand, ran wildly around the stands keening for it's lifemate. He heard the voice of the dragonet in his head when the whirling eyes caught his, but he didn't move at first. It had to be a mistake. It was only when the candidate master hurried pushed him onto the sands did he realize that he had Impressed, a brown at that. His brown, named Keuth, quickly reprimanded him for not coming down onto the sands quicker, but then promptly asked for some food. R'kan (as he was to know be called) was quickly thrown into the life of a weyrling, using both Keuth and Renegade to pass his training and his classes with only minor difficulties. He had planned to stay at High Reaches, with his parents, for as long as he could, but he had second thoughts when he heard about the new Weyr that had been developed on the Southern Continent. He eagerly requested a transfer to Laprun, and he was approved.

Description- Renegade is a dark brown color, with a mask of light sandy brown covering his face.
Personality- Renegade is a playful, cunning flit, who gets enormous amounts of pleasure in doing anything he's not supposed to. His favorite: snatching meatrolls out of the hands of unsuspecting diners. He's very attached to R'kan, and is most of the time seen curled up on his neck, or at the foot of R'kan's bed.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name-Keuth
Dragon's age- 8 turns.
Color- Brown.
Age impressed- 18
Personality- Keuth is a very quiet dragon, at least when he wants to be quiet. That's not to say that he isn't quite capable of chatting up a conversation with anything that walks by, be it a watchwher or another firelizard, but he tends to keep to himself. And sleep. Keuth likes to sleep, and to eat, and he absolutely LOVES getting oiled. He can't get enough of a good rubdown...especially behind the wings after a long day of training or threadfighting...that's the stuff. He's constantly asking His if he can have -just one- more spot oiled, and R'kan doesn't mind, most of the time anyways.
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