Sexual Preference-Heterosexual
Birth Place-Telgar Hold
Mother- Unknown
Father- Klean-Cotholder-deceased
Siblings- Margea-Cotholder's wife-deceased
Other relations- Nacin-27-cousin/healer
Weyrmate/Lover- Janera-Goldrider-deceased
Hair- light brown and shoulder length with a plentiful strands of gray that he ties back in a ponytail
Eyes- on the large side-brown with hazel flecks
Build-tall with a slight gut
Complexion- darkly tanned
Other- threadscores across his shoulders
Strengths-leading and giving advice
Weaknesses- listening/respecting goldriders, ignorant
Personality-R'kin uses his seniority to his advantage and always reins over most situations. He is slightly controlling and has little to no respect for women. He finds them inadequate to lead and tends to ignore orders from them in general.
History- R'kin has been through a lot in his life-time. His parents died when he was young and he didn't know them well. After his fourth year of life he was sent to harper hall and apprenticed as a printer. His shrewd opinion did not fit there though and he formed many enemies. Luckily for Harper hall he was searched and impressed Janarth his bronze. After weyrling hood his powerful dragon flew the Sr. Gold and he became Weyrleader until he and his Weyrwoman retired. He outlived her and now comes to Laprun to put some form the chaos there.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name-Janarth
Dragon's age- 45
Age impressed-20
Personality- In his prime Janarth was an exquisite dragon but now he is old and retired and just wants to sun in the South (which is part of why R'kin moved to Laprun). Even though he is fairly worn out he still exerts a strong authority and will try every so often to fly a gold or green.
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