Name- R'nach
Age- 25 Turns
Gender- Male
Sexual Preference- Hetero
Birth Place- Southern Weyr
Mother- Minera, Weyrwoman, 48 Turns
Father- T'rib, Weyrleader, 50 Turns
Siblings- Older brother, R'ri, 31 Turns ,Bronze rider at Southern
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none yet
Children- not yet
Skills- Weaponry, excellent swordsmen
Hair- (color, shape, length)- Very dark brown, almost black. Not long, but long enough to constantly fall into his eyes. Streaks of light gold near the front.
Eyes- Eyes are the most stunning thing about him. They are a bright vibrant yellow, that almost have a metallic shine to them, and many get entranced by his stare.
Height- 6'1"
Build- Very muscular, especially his biceps
Complexion- Tanned
Other- There is one scar on his left cheek about 2 inches long, but it is the only thing marring his perfect skin.
Strengths- cleverness, quick wit, good leader when he wants to be
Weaknesses- stern, tends to hold emotions in, ignores his intuition
Personality- R'nach tends to think very little of himself, he doesn�t like his looks at all, and hates when woman look at him because of them. He also has alot of pride, and takes to heart that he is the son of the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader. R'nach has yet to find love, though he hardly lets anyone get to know him that well, but he flirts sometimes.
History- Rionach was born at Southern Weyr and was the result of a flight. His mother raised him, despite the fact that she was the Weyrwoman, and he grew up strong, healthy and rather pampered, like his brother. When he was 16 Turns he Impressed his bronze, Lorcanth. Rionach then became R'nach. R'nach then spent turns perfecting his bond with his dragon, and trained with his brother, who had also Impressed a few truns before, to become a Weyrleader. When R'nach turned 25 Turns, his father heard of Laprun Weyr, and asked that there be an open flight, though he didn�t wait for an answer. He sent R'nach to become part of Laprun Weyr, and possibly fly the queen.

Name- Daylen
Species- Fire Lizard
Gender- Female
Description- (color for flits)- Daylen is  gold flit. Her hide is the the perfect shade of  Gold, all over, she looks like she was carved out of the stone itself, the same shade everywhere.
Personality- Daylen acts like a typical queen and requires all of the flits to respect her. But once she gets to know someone that poses no threat to her "pet" she can be friendly.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Lorcanth
Dragon's age- 9 Turns
Color- Lorcanth is a perfect example of a bronze. His hide is bronze all over, looking like he was dumped in bronze paint. The only exception is on his chest is a large patch of dark bronze that seems to shine more than the rest of his hide.
Age impressed- 16 Turns
Personality- Lorcanth is a huge bronze, and is also very muscular. He's basically everything you would expect a bronze to be and a bit more. He has a lot of pride, like his rider, but is very aware that he is a good looking dragon and often flirts. Lorcanth loves to chase females in flight, especially golds, though his rider usually holds him back, not letting him catch them, though he easily could. He is also preens himself a lot, and, at times, can be very concerned about his looks.
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