Age-48 turns
Sexual Preference-Heterosexual
Birth Place-Fort Weyr
Mother-Rixianda, 65, greenrider
Father-G�san, 69, brownrider
Siblings-Sianda, 34, bluerider
Other relations-Nephew S�nad, 17, brownrider
Children-R�gar, 22, bronzerider
Hair-Light sandy brown like his son�s and his father�s.
Eyes-A kind of steely grey
Height- 6�3�
Build-Lean with a bit of muscle which he had more of when he was younger.
Complexion-Bronzed like his son
Other-Long thin scar down his left arm from a fight turns ago
Strengths-Honesty, leadership, perseverance.
Weaknesses-Diplomacy and tact
Personality-R�san is pretty honest and has taught his son to be the same. He is very determined so when he puts mind to something he can accomplish it. On the outside he seems to be a hard and toughened man, but on the inside he is a very caring and subtle person.
History-R�san was born at Fort Weyr and raised by his parents. His mother is a greenrider and his father is a brownrider, being unimportant they had time to raise him themselves along with his sister. He lived a typical weyr life, between 18 and 24 turns he had been with most women in the weyr. It was when he was 24 his life changed. He had moved to Southern Weyr and outside of his weyr was a crying bundle with a note saying.  R�san, this is your son R�gar. Care for him. So far he hasn�t told his son about the note. He impressed Sultath at the age of 20 turns. His hardened �outer shell� was broken through when Sultath first touched his mind. He was one of the few brown riders who made it to weyrleader, which is where he got his leadership skills from. After getting in a fight with the current weyrleader he transferred to Laprun Weyr with his family.      

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Sultath
Dragon's age- 28 turns
Color-Sultath is a solid earthly colored brown with a few scars over his body.  
Age impressed- 20
Personality-Sultath is very protective of his rider and can bellow louder than any bronze. Due to his age he has found out how to pace him in flights and has caught gold once and about ten greens.
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