Name- Roxia
Age- 19 turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Heterosexual
Birth Place- Fort Hold
Mother- Matrina; Cook; 34
Father- T'lio Bluerider; dead
Siblings- none
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- none
Children- none
Skills- Weaving and herb lore
Hair- Copper read, in a scoop shape. It is very long, down to her waist , and is very smooth and shiny
Eyes- They are normally bluish brown, but can vary, and can be entirely brown at one moment and bright blue the next.
Height- Long legs, but small body; about 5'6"
Build- She is small and delicate-looking, but is surprisingly strong for her size and doesn't like to show it.
Complexion- pale
Other- She is always wearing a diamond-shaped emerald on a silver chain; it was a present from her father before he died.
Strengths- Gossip, and always wanting to help people out, unless they are her mortal enemies
Weaknesses- She is always worried about how she looks and what people are saying about her, so she is always in-the-know
Personality- She likes boys and is constantly gossiping. But she's shy and only talks to people she knows and boys she's been friends with for years. She loves meeting other people and trying to get shy people out of their shells, even if she won't come out herself. Roxia always has a crush on someone but keeps it quiet, and tells her friends. She also loves revenge. If one of her girlfriends tells anyone besides her 'gang' who she likes or anything personal, she'll gossip her tongue off to anyone and everyone about them, but never takes responsibility for these actions. She always later regrets it and tries to make it up.
History- The basic father-dies-and-mother-panics story. Her father died of a thread accident, and Matirina panicked and started asking every rider she knew if they had a vacancy, and finally a rider said, "Lady, you're going to drive everyone insane like that. The dragon picks the candidate, not the rider." So she was silent and waited, but she was steadily running out of money, until the same rider came back and brought Roxia to Laprun.

Name- Silverstone
Species- firelizard
Gender- male
Description- a beautiful bronze shade, more coppery shiny color then the brownish-gold most bronzes are.
Personality- He scolds like a green dragon and is constantly yelling at or correcting some one, but her goes about it the wrong way, so no one takes him seriously.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Liddath
Dragon's age- 1
Color- An emrald-green that reminds you of moss. Her hide is also a silky smooth that feels like it's just been oiled.  She could easily hide in a forest, and Roxia sees many hide-and-go-seek games in their future.
Age impressed- 19
Personality- She is shy with people she doesn't know, but otherwise is much like Roxia; she loves to gossip and have fun. She is a very good friend, even though she is a little odd at first.
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