~Candidate Master~

Name- Sabri
Age- 24 Turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Hetero
Birth Place- Bitra Hold
Mother- Nessa; 50; druge
Father- Algernon; 48; drudge
Siblings- 6 siblings; Cal; older brother; 33; Journeyman Harper
Other relations- none
Weyrmate/Lover- J'rob, 26 Turns, bronzerider
Children- none yet
Skills- Harpering, Dancing
Hair- Long, halfway down her back, golden blonde, all in wavy locks, very shiny and silky.  Eyes- Big, beautiful baby blue gets lighter by the pupil. Very long lashes and nice thin and arched eyebrows.
Height- 5'7"
Build- Feminine Muscles, with a 'gifted' chest, and good hips.
Complexion- Golden Tanned.
Other- A few scars on her back and arms and legs from rough life. Two earrings in each ear, and a belly button ring. A small tattoo of a shining star on the middle of her lower back. Strengths-Agility, Elegance, Power
Weaknesses- Doesn't realize her own strength; Flirts without realizing it; Blunt (to the point)
Personality- Sabri is fun-loving, and willing to try new things. She loves to laugh and dance and sing, and she is bubbling with personality. She likes swimming with her beautiful blue Oceth. Sometimes Sabri is unaware of how certain actions affect people, but tries to make things right again if she can. She can be deadly serious about a job if she wants to be, but will have fun doing it, and is very loyal to Senior Weyrwoman Maren.
History- Sabri, being born to drudges, didn't have much as a child. She had been the last of seven children and everything she got had been used. She grew up being disgusting and grimy. Her parents found they could no longer handle the load of so many children and abandoned them all. She had been 10 Turns when that happened. She and her sisters were very beautiful. But they used there beauty on men in order to survive. Sabri's oldest brother Cal, refused to have his youngest sister sink to that level, so he took care of her. In order to stop her beauty from showing her hair was kept very short and she wore drudge's clothing. She soon learned how to harp from her brother. When she turned 16 she was Searched. But she did not Impress. It was terrible, being in a place that she didn�t know and feeling like a failure. She stood a second time, and again did not Impress. Finally, on what she resolved was her third and final time; she surprised herself by Impressing Oceth. She now had respect from her Weyr and Hold, and a lifemate she would love forever. She cleaned herself up and let her hair grow; becoming the strong and beautiful woman she is now. She was soon invited to Laprun Weyr by Maren and took the invitation immediately.

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Oceth
Dragon's age- 7 Turns
Color- Oceth is a beautiful light baby blue all over, with slightly darker wavy markings all over. The designs on his hide are similar to that of when light hits the water of a swimming pool.  Age impressed- 17 Turns
Personality- Oceth loves Sabri very much and is compassionate towards her almost always. He loves to glide and swerve in the air, as his wingspan is abnormally huge for his medium sized body. Though when something poses as a threat to his rider he can be very vicious. He is usually impatient towards teenagers and finds them very annoying, though he loves small children and babies. He is also a fabulous swimmer, and loves bathing in the lake.
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