Age-34 turns
Sexual Preference-Heterosexual 
Birth Place-Fort Weyr
Mother-Rixianda, 65, greenrider
Father-G�san, 69, brownrider
Siblings-R�san, 48, brownrider
Other relations-Nephew R�gar, 22, bronzerider
Children-Son, S�nad, 17, bluerider
Hair-Brown cut to her shoulders
Eyes-A kind of steely grey like her brother�s
Height- 5�4�
Other-Earrings in ears
Stengths-Determination, tact and diplomacy
Weaknesses-Keeping a secret. If she knows a secret one night the whole weyr will know by morning. She is quite stubborn.
Personality-Sianda is quite honest like most of her family. She is a very strong willed person and also quite stubborn. If there�s ever an argument between any of her friends or her family she will be the one to sort it out. She hates people that always ask a drudge to do something that they are perfectly capable of.
History- She was born at Fort Weyr and was raised by her mother and father. She was always getting into fights with her brother, but now she goes wherever he goes. She spent most of her childhood watching the candidates and the weyrlings so she was pretty confident when she was picked as a candidate. As she watched the people on the hatching sands around her impress she was starting to feel like she wasn�t going to impress. She was the last one on the sands without a dragon when she noticed the egg that hadn�t hatched. It was rocking wildly as the little dragon inside tried to beat its way out. Then it cracked and a beautiful glistening blue dragon staggered towards her. She rushed forwards and felt his mind touch hers. She had tears streaming down her face when Liteth talked to her.          

***Dragonriders Only***
Dragon's name- Liteth
Dragon's age- 15 turns
Color-Liteth is a lovely shade of blue. Many people and riders have commented that he is the lightest blue they have ever seen  
Age impressed- 19 turns
Personality- Liteth is an extremely caring a loving dragon. He always seems to cheer Sianda up whenever he�s around.
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