Name- Taya
Age- 18
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Bisexual
Birth Place- Ista Hold
Mother- Jayla (Deceased)
Father- Railin
Siblings- None
Other relations/important connections- Jelena, best friend and confidant
Weyrmate/Lover- None
Children- None
Skills- Apprentice Harper
Hair- Shoulder length dark brown to black in colour
Eyes- Blue green with a slightly twisted glint, scar intersecting her right eyebrow.
Height - Above average
Other- Taya is a strong girl, with clear muscles, well built and not afraid of using her strength when it's needed. She has a pale complexion which makes her look slightly haunting. She is as quick witted as she looks. She has a proud look about her and it is almost possible to tell what she is like without speaking to her, she is a strong proud person who will not take nonsense. Besides these factors she is pretty non-descript, not really being overly beautiful nor ugly - she is, besides her scar and height, completely normal looking.
Style of Dress- Casual, and rather mascualine, it is as if Taya dislikes being a girl for some reason. She wears plain trousers and tops which do not flatter her form.
Strengths- Due to her upbringing in a Weyr she knows to accept people for who they are and tends to try and find the good side of everyone. When she cannot find a good side she finds herself getting distressed and dismayed. Strangely enough she finds it difficult to communicate with men and as of yet has not had a long standing boy friend but she's not so sure that's what she wants. She can also be a sympathetic ear when it is needed and yet be the boss when situations call for it, she doesn't stand for pointless nonsense. Taya is committed to whatever she does and is not one to drop work half way through, she does not believe that undertaking work that you do not finish is very smart and it annoys her when people seem to do this. Taya is a loyal friend and will not abandon those she cares for because she values her friendships above all else. Weaknesses- Taya's outward personality is very open and talkative but this may be because she hides what she really feels under the facade of calm. She also tends to be a little quick tempered but tries to stop herself.
Personality- See Strengths and Weaknesses.
History- Born in a small hold outside of the weyr, Taya's mother died during child birth. Unable to face the pain of having to raise his daughter alone, Taya's father moved her to Ista Weyr when she was just a babe. Taya has known nothing but weyr life but spends some of her time with her father in hold where she was born. Taya holds no bitterness towards her father for his choice, infact she thinks it very fair that he should choose what was best for his young daughter. Since moving to the weyr at such a young age Taya has quickly learnt the values of the weyr and knows all that she is expected to. Her father is a carpenter and works well with wood, (Taya's room is full of little things her father has made her) and he makes sure that his daughter is well cared for and looked after. Taya has wanted to ride dragons ever since she was a young child because they have been such a huge thing in her life, without their influence she would not be who she is ... and would want to be a rider were it not for their presence. When her father moved to a hold near Laprun he had her moved too, wanting her to be close enough to visit as he does still love her.

Name- Flicker
Species- Blue Flit
Colour-  Very blue, and he is one of the smallest of his clutch in Taya's knowledge. It looks as if he is sitting under a leafy tree most of the time due to the way his hide is shaded.
Personality- Flicker is mischievous, often up to making trouble (Stealing food from the people serving etc) and at times Taya gets annoyed at him. Taya and Flicker have formed a strong bond of love and trust and he does not mind being left alone because he knows that she'll come back to him. They don't like being apart but both seem to realise that they must be at times.                                                       
Name- Vivi
Species- Bronze Flit
Colour- Rich, vibrant, eye catching bronze all over,
Personality- Unlike his appearance, Vivi is a quiet flit who likes to spend time with Taya and her other flit, Flicker. A smaller than average bronze, who does very little to grab attention from others, yet Taya would wish him no other way.

Most wanted color, and why- Brown, no tangible reason but brown dragons have always caught Taya's eyes since her earliest days in the Weyr, she knows women rarely impress browns and knows that getting such a high coloured dragon would be a great honour.
Least wanted color, and why- Green, Taya has never had a great deal of interest in this rather broody colour; it is not something that suits her character.
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