Name- Tori
Age- 17 Turns
Gender- Female
Sexual Preference- Guys
Birth Place- The roads of Nabol Hold
Mother- Unknown
Father- Unknown
Other relations- Nuroa, 67 Turns, Some what of a foster parent, though she only took care of Tori until she was 7 Turns old.
Weyrmate/Lover- none yet
Children- none yet
Skills- Weaponry, Healing, Singing, Dancing
Hair- Bleach blonde, and straight, in length halfway down her back. The ends are cut ragged and fade into dark brown. She has long-ish angled bangs that are side swept. She usually wears it in a ponytail, or down, either way her bangs will fall into her eyes.
Eyes- Tori's eyes, in color, are bright, lime green. They are stunning and people either stare at them or feel uncomfortable looking at them. Her eyes are also just a tiny bit slanted at the ends, giving her a graceful look. She sometimes wears dark make up around them that makes the color stand out even more.
Height- 5' 5"
Build- Slender with feminine muscle, long legs, curvy, and slightly 'gifted' chest.
Complexion- Nicely tanned all over
Other- has many scars that cover a lot of her back, and some on her legs. The worst one is on her left shoulder blade, about 5 inches long, though it is thick because the wound was deep. She also has a belly button ring, a nose ring (in which she only wears a small diamond stud) and two earrings in her right ear and three in her left.
Strengths- Independence, Quick wit, Agility, Authority
Weaknesses- Stubborn, Strong Opinions, Judgmental, and a bit Violent
Personality- Tori is a pretty girl, with a gorgeous smile, though she rarely uses it. She can be blunt at times, and usually speaks her mind, whether it hurts someone or not. Being athletic is something she is proud of, and she can haul her own weight around easy, being used to working. This keeps her tanned and toned. She is also quick to judge others, but can tell quickly who she will like and who she wont. And to people who she won�t...watch your back, she carries a dagger everywhere she goes.
History- Tori never met her parents. She doesn�t even know their names, or where they came from. She was always raised by a grumpy old lady, Nuroa, but only until she was 7. She always had to work for Nuroa, despite her young age, and when she did turn 7, the old lady kicked her out. From then on, Tori was on her own. She wondered the streets, working for different people for food and shelter, but never stayed with one person for long. While she moved around, she perfected her skill with a dagger, and other knives, making her untouchable, many who had been her enemies ended up in "poor condition". She went to several different Holds, but in the end, came back to Nabol and stayed there until she was 17. On her 17 birthday, Tori was Searched, and the only reason she had agreed to go to Laprun (besides possible Impression, though she doubts she will) was because Hold life was definitely not her thing. At Laprun she made a bit of a fuss, but in the end Impressed her beautiful green, Aalith, in the first Hatching at Laprun. From then on she knew her life was....or seemed to be....complete.

Dragon's name- Aalith
Dragon's age- 1
Color- Aalith is bright, stunning, neon, lime green all over, the same as her lifemates eyes. She has a very light golden-ish sheen all over her hide, like the shell of her egg, making her look smooth and flawless.
Age impressed- 17 Turns
Personality- Aalith is a good sized green, larger than normal. She has a slender, and graceful build, and a slightly gifted wingspan. Her tail and neck are a bit longer than normal, giving her a wispy and elegant appearance. She was the largest green of Laprun's first Hatching. Aalith is also poetic, fluent and sure of herself, but is very dependant of Tori. She is the guiding voice Tori's head, steering her in the right direction. Aalith is also slow to judge others, even in anger, and will give one several chances to get on her good side. Though that doesn�t mean its 'impossible' for her to get mad at anyone, and she loves to be fussed over by her lifemate.
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