
Placido Sanchez <[email protected]>




This is probably not a safe package to install, I made it because I needed it. It may help other people, or may not.
You are responsible for any results. I am not responsible for anything that may happen, as a result of installing this RPM.


You need to use the users SME password  for other programs.
You want the users to only remember one password for your site.
You want to use the same password for other programs/services running on the same server.


You only need this RPM
Here's the source RPM


rpm -Uvh ps-sme-pwd-utils-0.1-2.noarch.rpm


rpm -e ps-sme-pwd-utils-0.1-2

This puts the original autopassword program (autopassword.bin) back in its place.
The 'userspwds' database is not removed, you have to remove it manually.

What does it do?

When you install it it moves /usr/bin/autopassword to /usr/bin/autopassword.bin, installs a perl script as /usr/bin/ and links /usr/bin/autopassword to point to /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/ calls /usr/bin/autopassword.bin and changes the password, if it is successfull it then stores it in the 'userspwds' database. When the 'password-modify' event runs, it doesn't get the password, it only gets the username, this does not allow for changing the new password on other programs (e.g. Sherpath), but since /usr/bin/ store the password in 'userspwds' we can get the password  from it and change it on other programs. At the end of the event 'user-pwd-db' (/etc/e-smith/events/actions/user-pwd-db') is call (make sure this is the last thing run for the event) this
checks if the password should remain in 'userspwds', by default it will, if it is not to remain it removes it. All password are store by default, except for root's and admin's, if you want to store it read/edit '/etc/e-smith/events/actions/user-pwd-db'

It also installs a new server-manager panel under 'Collaboration' called 'User accounts export'. This will allow you to export all your users and their information for use with other programs. It is able to export the users password, if it is store in 'userspwds'.

Passwords are not store in clear text, this mean that you can not easily read the data found in 'userspwds' database with an editor, you'll see something like this:


Why do I need this?

Well, we have windows programs that use usernames and password, we don't want the users to have to remember another password, that would just cause more work for us, because they will be forgetting/loosing it. So just remembering one username and password for all programs/service is much easier, all the user does is change his/her password on the SME server, an admin exports the information from the server and imports it on the programs. All of this can take 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes (depending on the program) to do but, it  may only take a few minutes to start the proccess, once it's started you can walk away and do some other work. You can probably also automate all this with other programs like cron or AutoIt ( ) for windows
Here's some code

 If you only want the password to be accessible during the event, but deleted at the end of the event

/sbin/e-smith/db userspwds set DontStoreAnyPwd 1

If you need to store only certain users, but not all, do this
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop USERNAME StorePwd (yes|no)
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop jbrown StorePwd yes
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop jamesb StorePwd no

If you want to access the password during the 'password-modify' event, create your perl script with this included.

my %userspwds;
tie %userspwds, 'esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/userspwds'

my $txtpwd;
# this is you clear text password
$txtpwd = &do_decode( db_get(\%userspwds, &do_encode($account)) );

# make sure to include the two subroutines (do_decode, do_encode) found in /usr/bin/

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