Try this at your own risk, I am not responsible for any damage.

updated : 04-02-02

cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
rm -f 99IncludeSlash
cp /usr/local/slash/httpd/slash.conf 80AddHandlerSlash

edit 80AddHandlerSlash
remove any lines that begin with 'Include'
these are usually at the bottom

cp /usr/local/slash/site/ 86SlashAccess

edit 86SlashAccess

remove <VirtualHost www.yourdomain.xx:80>.........</VirtualHost>
this means remove eveything in 'VirtualHost', you should only be left with any comments and '<Directory...>....</Directory>'

you should only end up with something like below
# note that if your site's path is a symlink, the
# path listed here is most likely the actual path;
# fix it and DocumentRoot if you want to
<Directory /usr/local/slash/site/slash.jeff.hs/htdocs>
    Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes Indexes
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/80Aliases00 ./
cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/80Aliases10SSL ./

To make the following steps easy, print out this file (its usually on page)
you'll be transferring information from this file.

pico -w  +104 80Aliases00

look for a line that reads:
$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /home/e-smith/files/primary/html\n";

add a '#' in front of the line and copy that line below (without the '#') and  change  it to read, what your DocumentRoot is
#$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /home/e-smith/files/primary/html\n";
$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /usr/local/slash/site/\n";

this is from /usr/local/slash/site/
$result .= << 'HERE';
    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common

    PerlSetupEnv On
    PerlSetEnv TZ GMT

    SlashVirtualUser slash

    # this directive will compile all the templates
    # in the database, if cache_enabled is true
    # and template_cache_size is 0.  Set to On/Off.
    # Default is off since most sites don't need it
    # much and startup performance, as well as
    # memory usage, degrades when it is On.
    SlashCompileTemplates Off

    PerlAccessHandler  Slash::Apache::User
    PerlCleanupHandler Slash::Apache::Log
    PerlCleanupHandler Slash::Apache::Log::UserLog

    # this directive will redirect non-logged-in users to
    # index.shtml if they request the home page; turn it
    # on to help increase performance
    #PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::IndexHandler

    # this directive will enable you to display user's pages
    # with /~username
    PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::User::userdir_handler

    DirectoryIndex index.shtml
    ErrorDocument 404 /

    AddType text/xml .rdf
    AddType text/xml .rss
    AddType text/xml .xml
    AddType text/xml .wml

    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

    AddType text/html .inc
    AddHandler server-parsed .inc


Do the same thing for 80Aliases10SSL (if you want secure connections)
pico -w  +104 80Aliases10SSL

look for a line that reads:
$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /home/e-smith/files/primary/html\n";

add a '#' in front of the line and copy that line below (without the '#') and  change  it to read, what your DocumentRoot is
#$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /home/e-smith/files/primary/html\n";
$result .= "    DocumentRoot         /usr/local/slash/site/\n";

this is from /usr/local/slash/site/
$result .= << 'HERE';
    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common

    PerlSetupEnv On
    PerlSetEnv TZ GMT

    SlashVirtualUser slash

    # this directive will compile all the templates
    # in the database, if cache_enabled is true
    # and template_cache_size is 0.  Set to On/Off.
    # Default is off since most sites don't need it
    # much and startup performance, as well as
    # memory usage, degrades when it is On.
    SlashCompileTemplates Off

    PerlAccessHandler  Slash::Apache::User
    PerlCleanupHandler Slash::Apache::Log
    PerlCleanupHandler Slash::Apache::Log::UserLog

    # this directive will redirect non-logged-in users to
    # index.shtml if they request the home page; turn it
    # on to help increase performance
    #PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::IndexHandler

    # this directive will enable you to display user's pages
    # with /~username
    PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::User::userdir_handler

    DirectoryIndex index.shtml
    ErrorDocument 404 /

    AddType text/xml .rdf
    AddType text/xml .rss
    AddType text/xml .xml
    AddType text/xml .wml

    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

    AddType text/html .inc
    AddHandler server-parsed .inc


You should now be able to access slash at on http and https

#========The End==========

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