My dislikes...boy are you all in trouble now! I do not like fungus, ifs, ands or buts about it...or cooked onions...if I wanted
to eat worms I would. I like raw onions though. One of my main
dislikes is LOUD people...I find them to be boring and obnoxious. I
feel they are loud because they haven't learned how to communicate.
My main dislike is prejudice, any kind. It is quite simple to me...if
three boys are playing ball, one in a red shirt one in a blue shirt and
one in a green shirt, and the boy in a green shirt hits a home run,
why say "Look at that African-American hit? No..its the boy in the
green shirt. And the kid with glasses can sure run, well no, its the
kid in the blue shirt. I believe other than culture there are better
ways to point someone or something out. I have worked at teaching
my kids this and I try to educate people I meet in this way. There
is no difference in any one of us, regardless of our race, sex or
abilities...God made us and He made us all equal...and to choose to
differentiate by race or sex is wrong! It's that boy in a green
shirt...I hope you can understand. Also, if a man in a red shirt robs
you, does that make all men in red shirts thieves? No, it
was an isolated incident, so why condemn all those in red shirts?
There is no room for these things in my life. I dont like Rap music
either or cold can people drink ice coffee...yuck!! And I dislike Coke, I'll take a Pepsi any day...and YES, there is a  difference.I don't like people who drive and don't use their turn signals, or talk on the phone...pull over if you are on the phone, ok?And, people who drink and drive are absolutely clueless...HEY WAKE UP - IT'S WRONG!!!! I dislike peoplewho say they will do something and then don't...and I don't care for rain, I hate my head being wet...well,unless I am walking hand in hand with my lady in a warm gentle spring or fall rain, but that's another story...he he he. I  dislike many things, huh? However...I am very easy to get along
with. I dislike people who come to myhouse and change my radio
station...Hey, it's my house...leave my radio alone. I dont watch
much TV, it is a waste, except X-Files. Yes, some sort of life does
exist somewhere, we are not alone.Ok...I don't like cotton candy at
carnivals because my hands get sticky and I have to wash them. I
dislike people who call a wrong number and are rude, like it was my
fault...ok, that's enough. I do love all of you!!!!!!
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I enjoy reading...I love Heinlen, Stephen King and Harold Robbins,
to name a few. My favorite book is is a story of it. I love the ocean; its silent power amazes me
and its beauty overwhelms me. I do believe we should be developing
it and not the moon...but that's for somewhere else. I love music...all
kinds, from Country to Rock and into hard core and HeadBanging...if
the lyrics speak of today. I have a love of what is going on around me...I
like to hear my opinions and dreams expressed in song. I consider myself to be a
writer...however, I have doubts about my abilities as a published
writer. I sometimes write for days to bring me to an awareness
of what is in my mind...and heart. Ok, ok...I know, back to my likes...
I like people for what they are...don't change to be my friend...I found you this way and I
like you this way, so why change? Be truthful and honest with me
and I'll be truthful and honest with you. Spring is my favorite time of year.
I really believe we are given a rebirth at that time...the flowers
of spring are brought forth from the dead and decaying leaves of the
fall, thus completing another circle of life...oh, there I go again.
I love to sit high upon a mountain... ...and watch sunrises and sunsets. To do this
with a lover, or with my children is a very special time, it is a time
when as the sun warms your bones you hear the spiritual side of you
saying thank you for this new day and all of its beauty. The movies I
like are The Wizard of Oz, Yankee Doodle Dandy, both classics. I
love to lay in bed on Sundays with my kids and watch old Blondie and
Dagwood shows...they crack me up! I like to listen to Steven  Wright the comic...that's the sense of humor I have; dry and, well, spacy! Sometimes i even confuse
my self with my jokes. So, if ya laugh, like the black and white
movies and  bad jokes, well hey, Hi There!! Oh, and last but not least I love live
concerts...I have been to so many... saw Pink Floyd in the..oh no, I don't
want to date myself 70's...and they were awesome then as now.
he best new group I have heard is Type O Negative...their music is
written from a man's point of view of being hurt...losing a loved one
and falling in is a very powerful group...I can't say enough.
And then there is The Dixie Chicks...OMG please, PLEASE if you see them please
have them e-mail me I will marry any one of them!(Psst Don't tell my wife I said that wink) Last, but not least, my most favorite thing in the world is ICE CREAM...I love it
and need it every day...drumsticks, Rocky Road Ben and Jerry's and
vanilla are my favorites. Enough said... Did I mention i tend to Ramble...he he he..
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