Inside my Head I can
            still hear their cries.
            An anguished scream
            A tearful sob
            the words in anger,they hear
            their hearts beat in fear
            huddled in a sleepless mass
            its my fault they fear
            one stays in anger
            one runs away
            the tears lie in crystal masses
            A crystal rose grows.
            This is gods answer,
            its not your fault
            its just your pain
            the beauty of the rose
            brings hope
            brings joy

            but was concived in sorrow
            of the childs fallen tears.

Gazing upon the shadow of the past I scream out
in pain my tortured soul it seems to gaze upon my
  every thought it seems to know my every move , it
    calls to me and watchs me roam it searchs my
mind and tears at my heart, I dream ofthe visions
   I keep these thoughts I see the shadows dancing
  across the walls of the most inner mind. I feel the
pain I know of your love I cry at night when I call
  out your name yet it never answers. The thoughts
  of the pain the feelings of my heart how can I go
      on and not scream it out it reachs inside it
screams out your name it tells me to call and hold
you inside.

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