A Thorn Of Friendship A Rose Of Love
  The Darkened Winter clouds of a blustery winter's day Hides
the sun from my bones just as the tears from my heart hides my
pain, A life time of pain, Hiding actions hiding grief, hiding
  dreams, hiding hopes. Lives without parents one is lost in the
  world no warm chest late at night as you scream out in vain
    passed dreams hopeful visions that no one can see, A dear
  friend a dear sister one who keeps drifting away. I've been so
   bad I've cause everyone so much pain it must be my fault I
must deserve this I must now atone for their pain. Is this your thoughts as you lay hiding the pain is this once again your way of pushing me away, it will fail as the bud of the rose grows out as my love takes your hand As a thorn protects the rose let me just hold your pain. The Rose of a Friendship weaves its way to the top the
thorns they many prick us as each dream of tomorrow as each
hopeful vision burst like yesterdays balloon. We stand here in silence not really knowing what to say words carefully chosen placed on the winds of our minds floating like the tears from each silent prayer in the night. There is one thing to remember its no ones fault for this pain no price needs paid for a life that we have
led there are no taxes on your soul its just time to go on. Different Paths Dear friend Different dreams different feelings,  as each plant is tenderly placed by God in the fertile soil each twist each limb new thorns that can all draw blood the same way each leaf its own idea each thorn born of it's individual hurt each bud tiny and small hidden color from our view then once again God's hand touches it and as it burst open in a fragrance and brilliance of color, as is our lives, each mingled together side by side on God's fertile soil. Each crossed path each fragrant bloom every drop of blood, has been done deliberately and not in vain each new thorn like a wall around our heart placed in our life so that when the time to help another arises we have the bloom to share with one. As
you hide behind the clouds unwilling, hesitant, Frightened. I see  break in the clouds, I smell the fragrance of the distant rose,
Your brilliant color all the good that you have given to my life
this world our friendship. As my tears from my heart well up my love for  you drips onto the carpet, your shoulder, your thorn of
friendship, your rose of love, has taught me to laugh cry but
most of all to love. When your pain has passed when your life of
prickly thorns has closed, pressed deeply upon the pages of my
life. I will always have your love your lessons and you with me.
Thank you for your wonderful friendship, and thank you for the inspiration that you have given me over the years.Your Fragrance and Beauty puts the rose to shame.
Her Rose Was the Brightest
At much to young of age, God has called another one Home. Robyn was loved by many. Her Zest for life brought joy to
many. Her Rose the most fragrant of all Her Petals comforted many while with us, and even today sitting with Our Lord her petals still comfort us. She was taken from us with cancer. We know today she is happier and pain free finally for that we rejoice. The tears that have been shed for her loss, will
brighten our spring gardens. Every time the sun warms our
bones on a chilly winter day, or when that cool breeze next
chills us on that hot summer day we will know it is Robyn, her
rose still comforting and protecting us.
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