most recent party: June 2003
Here's some pics of our most recent party to date. Sure, it wasn't without drama (certainly not on my part!) but for the most of it things went pretty damn well. Here's the highlights...
home my pretties!
all hail the sacred vodka tree! hail vodka! drink today, live tomorrow ;)
yes that's NIK on the right
Oh dear God! Me, drunk?! No no no, me and that Guinness were just getting better acquainted ... Hic ... >>>
^^^A party wouldn't be a party without Nik in drag.
peter contemplates their love, sock holds down the vom... hugging so sweetly, arent they just adorable?
^^It all began with innocent worship of vodka... in a tree, naturally. And with a duck. crikey!
dancing emkin!
^^^Sock and Peter ... cute, lovable, intoxicated. >>>
aaw group hug
<<< Group hug! Wahey! Buck Rogers! Hic! etc.
^^^Ant scares the crap out of us all ... just by being himself. ;)
jelly and matt being happy
<<< Matt and Jelly stand about giving the illusion they are sober. Don't ya love 'em?
^^^Emmy, the host, struts her funky stuff.
they look so innocent...
aaaaargh gang bang!!!!
AFTER: Seonad and Peter reduce it to out and out  porn.
<<< Help!
BEFORE: Jelly, Ant, Nik and Chaz sit tight like little angels. Bless ...>>>
i love my jellybean i do
Jeb, Mazzkin and Sock looking oh so attractive.
It's the window I feel sorry for ... \/ \/
<<<Lots of quick strangles ... I, er, mean cuddles. As if I would do anything else... ;)
\/ \/ \/
jellybean, beer, jellybean, beer....umm...
extreme drunkards will be locked in the garden
^^^ Jellybean, Guinness; Guinness, Jellybean...
we're not drunk, oh no not us
everything's all a bit hazy ...
<<< Mine and Mari's very convincing "drunk faces"
mate mate mate oi mate
unnaturally "friendly" :S
watch out! ;)
i shall hit you with my invisible spanking stick!
Claire sets an example to the 14-year-olds present... and is adorable with it! Oh yes she is!
cute in the yard
where's my alcohol??
^^^ Tom and Peter are "just mates" ...
...Yeah, "mates," right.^^^
wow! a sober person! hi helen!
<< PEACE! and ...
the aftermath (hoho)
peace! im pissed!
<<< I love everything in this picture: Charlotte, Hel and, of course, Carling. xxx.
claire just can't stand up anymore
groovy dancing
nice to see you, to see you nice! *hic*
More party pics coming soon! Hooray!:)
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