gallery of hunks
This is basically an excuse to drool over a load of pics of guys I reeeeally fancy, but hey! Yeah, and I know it isn't fair on all the lads out there but, quite frankly, sod them. I like sexy pictures of men so I'm going to damn well have them on my site! Anyway, now that's out the way, bring on the hunks...
He was damn sexy in Blur and now, even as he's got older, I think he's still good-looking. He's a really talented musician and an all round nice guy. I really like his hair, and he's the only guy I know who looks good while winking insanely!
mmm that's some goood sittin'
Click here to go to a Damon Albarn Fan Site
Elijah Wood has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen ... ah, sigh. He made the Lord of the Rings films watchable by playing Frodo so cutely. He truly is a talented actor, having acted since he was a little kid - and anyway, with those eyes, who cares?
nice arms...
Click here to go an Elijah Wood Fan Site
You may recognise him from the really cool creepy film "Donnie Darko" (one of my personal faves). He also has gorgeous eyes, a nice body and is overall extremely sexy. I really like dark, brooding kind of guys and Jake fits the bill perfectly. Yum.
mmm unshaven
nice bod
dark and creepy and oh so sexy
Click here to go to a Jake Gyllenhaal Site
yum yum
that's some nice sitting
I first fell in love with Dermot when my sis started watching 24-hour BB... suddenly BBLB wasn't so boring! He may be short, have little hair and present stuff like BB - but I forgive him! He has perfect bone structure and a really sexy jawline, and he's just fit! God bless Dermot, oh yes indeed.
Click here to go to a Dermot O'Leary Fan Site
He was just so adorable as Jeff in "Coupling" with his cute nose and curly hair!! (I like curly hair.) I wish "Coupling" would come back because he was just so sweet. Aaw.
aaw sweet hahaha funny hair
Click here to go to a Richard Coyle Fan Site
lovely ain't he? so smiley!
OK so he wasn't exactly 'cool' in "Friends" as Chandler but he was funny as hell and he's cute. I like the sarcasm, and sarcasm always does it for me in a man. As my sister says, he is me in male form... which I take as a compliment. He's a geek but adorable with it. I know he had problems with drugs and his weirdly fluctuating weight, but you don't have to be right in the head to be here! And sadly, for now, he ends our page of hunks.
Click here to go a Matt Perry Fan Site
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