the sober side of summer 2003
so much water...where
a sunny day at the beach my ass
adorable with his knobbly knees and lunch box
peter admires seonad, helen sunbathes and we romp!
left to right: peter, sock, haxa, lappi, emkin, hel and marisuli behind the camera :)
emily makes an attractive face
em makes a new friend
windswept, sunburnt and practically topless....good old mari
claire looked fetching in a clash-tastic blue hat
mari makes friendly gestures
mari suns herself on deck, but where are the biddies?!
mari gazes at the land she loves best: scandinavia
the sun sets on beautiful seas
emily rocks! hoho
like looking in a mirror, isn't it?
cute norwegian houses!
norwegian coasts...
... and more! woopee!
<<^ It all began on what looked to be a hot, sunny day when Peter, Sock, Claire, Emmy, Hel, Marikin and myself decided to risk the beach...
<<<...Claire was frolicking in her bright blue hat, Peter^^ had set up a space for himself with everything he needed (footie strip, lunch box, food, knobbly knees) and Mari was dancing gayly like the little rasta that she is... >>>
<<<...Emkin had even made herself a brand new friend.... remind you of anyone in particular?? That's right, it's Bovey, just with a little more hair. (Joke, honestly!!) ...
... When suddently, HORROR UPON HORRORS, it began to RAAAAAIN!!!... >>>
... Quickly we created a nifty rain shelter out of a bit of old blanket... >>>
<<<... And so (HOORAY), all was saved. And a good time was had by all, despite the fact that  Em was the only one with the sense to bring a mac and everyone could see Marianne's bra. Ah, what a nice day, and not a drop of alcohol in sight! ;)
<<< The gorgeous Norwegian sky at sunset from the deck of the ferry. Mari and I went alone. The views were breathtaking but the boat itself rather biddy-tastic.
<<< We spent the majority of our time out on deck admiring the sights - little islands, waves, water.... er, Marianne, a few amusing biddies, chubby Norwegian, boy scouts, another island... and of course NORWAY!
\/ \/ \/
no beer...sob sob
mmmm smell that delicious fiiiiiiiiiish
mari is so excited to be in norway she just can't hold it in
super cool hairstyles rule ok in norway!
mari enjoys the company of a rather stunted companion
the place where delicious salmon burgers are created
looking good as ever.... haha
a museum all about fish! like heaven, but fishier...
marikin promenades down the tack-tastic streets of fair bergen
pretty as a picture
our attractiveness is just astounding
a nice red boat full of norwegians! hoorah!
^^^Finally, after what seemed like forever, we got to step onto REAL NORWEGIAN SOIL - woo! We took in the amazing sights of Bergen, for example the fishmarket, fish museum (hmm, something tells me Norwegians are fond of  fish...) and, of course, the infamous McDo - where salmon burgers are made... \/ \/ >>
<<Mari just LOVES trolls. (That's her on the right by the way, in case you were confused. Hoho.)
Bye bye Norway! We will miss you! My sexy self posing on the ferry before we dock safely back in boring old Blighty. Ah, what I'd give for a chortling Norwegian biddy, salmon burger or overweight boy scout.... Sigh. >>>
Don't worry my darlings, birthday pics will be here ASAP! Yeeeeah!
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