Cheap Laptops



    On the pages accessible through the links at the bottom of this page, you will find a selection of laptops available at very competitive prices. These computers are refurbished or repaired models that were purchased with fault such as broken screens or software problems or picked up at an auction.

All models come standard with a formatted hard drive unless otherwise noted. Nevertheless, it may be possible to leave the existing operating system and/or applications as they are. This is negotiable.

In addition to the models shown, it may be possible to get others since there are always models with minor faults on the market yet are normally not considered for to different reasons. If you would like some special model that is not listed or a specialty laptop, please use the 'Contact' button and ask for details.

When sending email be sure to write "laptop" in   subject line. Also, include how you heard about this site and your location (for shipping purposes if applicable).

All prices are in US dollars.

Details subject to change without notice...


Available models (click for details):

Acer Extensa 610CD ($250)


IBM Thinkpad 560 ($150)


Featron FT6720 ($450) not yet available



Contact me



Thank you for taking the time.

Updated 2/23/2003

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