This is the dologal, the diary/blog/journal (I really didn't know what to call it!).

June 29, 2003- 11:30pm etz Well I just deleted the rest of the entries... The summer is going to be somewhat busy... for the rest of the summer. I plan to keep my job at the school, even though it is hot and only $6.25 an hour (very low compared to anything else), because I probably won't be able to find any other jobs anyway. Today I might call Holy Name and ask if I can be a volunteer so I can earn some community service, which everyone has to do to graduate and I definitely want to graduate. This week will be pretty cool, at least not as hot as last week so I won't sweat as much going to work. They made us pick up garbage outside, with these giant tweezers and plastic buckets, on the hottest day! The heat index was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was sort of humid too. The thing where the government takes out like 30% of your salary does apply to this job, but I still earn almost a thousand anyway. I will need to buy stuff anyway, including school supplies and clothing.

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